
Can your eyes fix themselves ?

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I don't remember where i heard this from but i remember once hearing that at a young age if you have glasses such as myself i heard that by the end of puberty around 18 or so they said. I have a chance that my eye vision could correct itself could this actually happen ?




  1. One of my sons had astigmatism when he was four and now at 17 his eyes have changed, I would say he has grown out of it since the eye doctor said he no longer needs glasses.  He hardly wore the glasses I kept getting for him, he would lose or break them on purpose because of embarrassment at school.  I suppose he was right ... he didn't need them like I thought!

  2. My eye doctor JUST told me that I no longer need my glasses.  I have worn glasses (weak prescription) for distance vision for almost three years.  I liked my glasses and wore them quite a bit.  I wore them the entire day right up until the time that the doctor asked me to take them off after checking my vision with them on..  My doctor said that my vision was absolutely perfect without  my glasses on.  She said that is was actually better than 20/20 without my glasses.  She told me not to wear them ever again.  I think they help a lot but she said no.

  3. Yeah man, it worked for me. It might not completely correct itself, but it'll sure be a h**l of a lot better

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