
Can your eyes unadjust to a new contact prescription?

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I've been wearing a new toric lens prescription for 2 weeks now, and I'm pretty sure it's too strong for my eyes. The optomatrist used my previous prescription and only adjusted the strength and nothing else--is that a problem? He took much less time than my old Dr did with the exam. I believe the other numbers have to do with the fit, but are they reliant on the strength so that when one is adjusted, the others need to be as well? If I keep wearing these contacts until I can get my old prescription back, will my eyes permanently adjust to the new strength? I don't want to damage my eyes by wearing these.




  1. Many optometrists will start with your old prescription as a reference.  The fitting measurements (base curve and diameter) shouldn't be affected by a change in power (as far as I know).  

    If this prescription is correct, it may take a week or so for your eyes to adjust to it.  If your contacts still feel too strong or uncomfortable, then go back and see your optometrist again.  

    If this prescription is incorrect, wearing them will not permanently change your eye in any way.  Lenses simply focus light where it should land in the back of your eye, and your eye will adjust to this change.  Eyes can also "unadjust" if you go without wearing the lenses and can adjust to other lenses as well.  It just takes a little bit of time, but don't worry about damaging your eyes.  :)

  2. How do you know they are the wrong strength? Just because you new optom took less time, doens't mean they are wrong.

    However by wearing an inccorect perscription, you are straining your eyes which may cause headaches, tiredness etc.

    You don't need to put up with it if the optometrist got it wrong, go back and get it checked.

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