
Can your finger print change?

by  |  earlier

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well i got a new laptop and it has a finger print thing and i wondered if my finger print would grow because I'm 12 years old




  1. No unless you sand them off on the power sander.

  2. you can always be identified by your fingerprints

  3. your prints do change. as you get older,you'll scar those finger pretty good. the BASIC pattern won't change but scars on fingers DO change fingerprints.

  4. i dont think the patter will change

  5. your finger can grow in size but ur finger print pattern can not change ..  

  6. The only way your finger print can change is if you get a scar on it.  Other than that it will be the same for life

  7. it wont change but your finger will get bigger. u might want to stick to using passwords for now but its ur choice. when ur using the finger scanner thing make sure its clean and deffinatly DO NOT LET LITTLE STONES GET ON IT cause they'll scratch the scanning surface and it'll ruin the scan

  8. Everyone's fingers will change, however the shape and pattern of your fingerprint will always remain the same.  That is what makes it so reliable when identifying any person.

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