
Can your genetics determine what skills, and talents you will have?

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I remember watching something about super smart kids and this one girl was a pro at playing the violin at such a young age without anyone showing her how, also she is in college and is only eleven years old, but her mom and dad play music as a career.

Can genes play a role in skills that come easy to some or hidden talents?




  1. Genetics plays a large part in determining the equipment available to you.  Environment certainly influences what that equipment has to work with.  The rest is up to you.

  2. Genetics plays a large part in personal skills and ambitions.

      Consider ,most movie stars have sibling or offspring who follow in their footsteps.

    Consider president Bush,his father and brothers genes seem to be a major player.

  3. maybe someone is borned to be more clever, but i still believe the environment plays a very important role since the the baby is borned. Maybe it's hard to distinguish the factors involved in genes and environment in the baby stage and then people tend to believe genes determine. But actually it's the environment really matters a lot.  Also, creativity is also one miracles for human being. So it's miracles to play the violin without any knowledge but still it's possible, after all, violin is created by human beings.

    hope my answer is good enough

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