
Can your mom at 17. make you get a abortion. Im scared?

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Can your mom at 17. make you get a abortion. Im scared?




  1. I was 17 years old when i gave birth to my daughter. 12 years later I am so blessed that she is in my life. she is amazing. its your choose. but if your going to be a mother, be the best mother you can be.

  2. I"m not sure if there is a law against that, but I think that the doctor performing it wouldn't be able to do it if you refused.

  3. No, she cannot MAKE you.  But, adoption is always an option.  At least you would know that you did the right thing.  Abortion just seems too final to be the right thing -- even though I'm pro-choice.  Whatever you decide, it's YOUR choice and I'll love you regardless, but really think about it.  Think about what's not just best for you (being a mom and all the 'fun' parts)...think about what's right for your child -- being able to provide for a baby is SUPER expensive, not to mention that your freedom is now gone, and it actually gets HARDER (not easier) as they get older.  If I could change anything, I would have waited until I was approaching thirty before getting married and having kids.  I would have finished college and travelled a little prior to bringing children in the world.  Learn from my mistakes, honey.  Love you...cher.

  4. Legally not sure, but its your baby if you want to keep it this should be your choice, dont abort

  5. No one can make you get an abortion, don't ever let anyone make you think that they can either! Besides I don't think that there is a doctor that would do it if you refused it at age 17.

  6. Abortion isn't that big a deal. Back in my day, all the girls had one. Your mom knows that it is scarey, but it's over before you know it. Trust your mom. She wants the very best for you. Trust her on this one.

    You're not a "bad" girl. You haven't done anything wrong. Don't listen to people like that. You are special no matter what.

    Best wishes.

  7. I am so sorry you are going through this. I suggest you find a reasonable and responsible adult to help you through this. (I would turn to my youth leader.) I would also get myself in the counsel of a lawyer.

    Your mother cannot force you to have an abortion. If she tries to force you to do anything (using intimidation, abuse, etc.) you need to get out and get help. You should be having support and understanding at this time, not the stress and fear she is putting on you.

    Find a trusted adult. Good luck and God bless.

  8. Once you are pregnant . You are not considered a minor.  So it is your decision and I would hope that you would consider life.  Many people cannot have kids and would love to have the many that people selfishly abort

  9. This choice needs to be yours. Do not let anyone influence it. And additionally, adoption once researched properly can be a safe procedure. There are many people out there who are dying for a family but can't have one and are willing to adopt and take care of your baby.

    As it relates to abortion you have to be SURE that you can handle the repercussions of abortion. People present it to you like it is no big deal... you just get it and return to life. But you don't. You do face emotional issues afterwards and conflicting views on the fact you might have 'killed' your child. Before you make a choice YOU and only YOU must be sure that you will suffer no emotional issues after you have an abortion, if that is what you chose to do.

    Towards the legal aspect, your mother CANNOT in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, force you to have an abortion. It is up to the patient. She may take you to the clinic but they will sit you down and have you swear that this is your choice and you are not under any duress or undue influence. If you tell them that you do not want an abortion, they cannot do it. It will be illegal and they will want to cover their behinds from a suit that you could bring against them.

    Talk to your mum, have her see that this is not best for you. She might think she is doing what's best for you but it seems as if she's trying to get rid of the problem what she sees to be the easy way.

    Speak to her about adoption or if you want to keep your child you must FIRST be SURE that you have the means to do that.

    Everyone makes mistakes, it is how you deal with them that matters.

    This baby could be a miracle to you or someone else... even your mother but first decide if it is in YOUR BEST interest to keep it.

    Good luck.

  10. Call the local Planned Parenthood in your town/city, immediately.

  11. absolutely not, in terms of reproductive medicine eave young girls are considered adults, this is your decision, legally and morally and in every other way.

  12. She cannot make you have an abortion- no one can-   one thing you need to talk to her about is this-

    Does she know what an abortion can do to you- beside the fact that it takes the life of your baby?  This section is for adoption- have you talked to her about that?    

    I can understand that you would be scared.  What do you want to do?

  13. not really.. lts all up to you

  14. No she can't make you but she can make your life h**l.

       Look I'm not going to tell you what to do it's your decision. You can keep the child and make a good life with the little one. Your mom will love the child

      You can abort-Then the child is the hands of god

      You can adopt the baby out- Your giving the child a chance of having a good life

        Either  of the last two the child is out of your life. Please use birth control after this. No child should have to go through this.

  15. h**l NO!!!! only you can make that descision.  if your mom is trying to force you there are people out there who can help you.  look up abortion alternatives in the yellow pages or email me and i will find you people who will help you and are in your area. this is your life not hers do not let her make decisions for you.  and if you don't want an abortion, don't call planned parenthood they will try and convince you it's the best option for you at that age.  they tried that with me.  this is your life and your decision and in no state can another make a decision like that for you. there are resources out there that will help you.

  16. Me too..

  17. thats tuff. your mom does have a right to take you to the clinic but while you are there you let them know you DONT want to have an abortion if you dont. She can not make you have one if you dont want to unless she can prove you are unfit or that the baby poses a hazard to your health. Good luck

  18. legally she cant but u know its really hard to not listen to ur parents when ur living under their roof, its sad. Thats what happened to my friend. Best thing to do is if u know ur mom is going to make u get an abortion wait as long as possible to tell her cuz hopefully ulll be almost 24 weeks where u cant get one in CA after that.........try to keep ur baby, i had an abortion and i regret it so bad, the scars never seem to heal....

  19. It depends on how far your 18th brithday is...but in court you considerd as an adult. But i say talk about it cause you dont want take away an to up coming life!



  20. she can't MAKE you. its your decision.. good luck

  21. No she can have legal rights.

    If she takes you to the clinic tell them you are being forced.

    Tell a teacher or some other trusted adult.

    Mom is not thinking straight right now.......she thinks by you having an abortion the problem will just go may for her but not for you. You may experience post partum depression followed by a sense of guilt over killing your baby.

    Consider talking to someone as soon as possible.

    Good Luck to you.....I hope your okay and you an mom can work this out.

    Consider adoption......we were so lucky to have had the chance to adopt a baby.

    --------------------------------------... a little off the wall.....a baby broker is someone who SELLS your baby to the highest bidder without any regard to the child's safety.

    I would agree not to leave your child in the hands of CPS either. A private adoption where YOU can pick the parents if the best choice.

    I am sorry that Nekomimi has had the loss of friends due to issues with being foster children but it is irresponsible to tell you to take your child to a baby broker!!!

  22. No she can not make you have an abortion. I do not care if you are a minor or not.  You always have medical rights and before they can even stick you with a needle to draw your blood they must have your consent and it must come from you unless you have been deemed unable to speak for yourself.  If she forces you to go to a clinic you need to tell the doctor no.  If the doctor decides to try and do it any way using your mothers consent, let him know that you know you have the right to say no and he is obligated to listen to that.  No doctor wants to face that kind of Malpractice suit. I know your thinking you don't have the money to sue but many Lawyers will take on a case that is a sure fire win Pro Bono.

  23. It is actually your choice if you want to keep the baby or give it up so that you can still have your life young than you dont havae to get one but your mom act tell you wnat you want to do.It has to be your choice.

  24. No mother should EVER make her daughter get an abortion.

    Yes, she probably has your best interests at heart, but this decision is completely your choice, nobody else's.

    Remember though, you most likely do not have the finances nor conditions to raise a child at age 17.

    Keep in mind that you could always have the baby and put him/her up for adoption, it would be hard though, you will have already developed a deep, unconditional love for your child.

    Hope you make the right decision, and hope I helped.

  25. You need to ask that question of the doctor and a psychologist.


    your question is in the wrong place... you're in the adoption section asking about abortion.

  26. No! I don't care if your 17 don't get an abortion. You'd be killing your baby. Think about you holding your baby in your arms and that little tiny hand wrapping around your pinkie and their big cute baby eyes looking up at you. Please don't abortion is wrong.

  27. No, she cannot MAKE you.

  28. No, absolutely not!  As you are still a minor, your mother can sign off on most other medical procedures, but NOT abortion.  The laws are very clear about this.  Even if you were twelve or ten, she couldn't force you to get an abortion.  If she forces you to go to the clinic, all you need to do is tell the staff that you don't want an abortion, and they will not touch you, guaranteed.

  29. No one can make you do anything - in regards to your reproductive rights; no matter your age.  You can find a local Pregnancy Center in your area - to get honest information and support from.  Just visit to find one in your area... all their services are completely free and confidential.

    Sorry you are facing such a hard decision... but it is your decision to make.  No one else can force you.  Hope you can find the support you need during this time.

    Just as a personal note about those above that have given their answers... and have given a negative view of adoption... my biological mother was 16 years old.  She chose to place me for adoption - as she felt that was what was best for me and for her.  My parents and my family are the most amazing people in the world.  There was no better gift that my mother could have given me.  All my thoughts and feelings towards my biological mother, though I've never met her, are of thankfulness and love.  Adoption can be a true gift!!!

    For you - it's what is best for you.  I hope a local Pregnancy Center in your area can help you.

  30. no, she can't make you get an abortion.  that is a medical procedure and cannot be performed without the patient's consent, so if you refuse, it can't be done.  good luck.

  31. Absolutely not, it is your decision.

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