
Can your neigbors legally keep you from leaving the house and if you do leave do they have the right to follow

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I have these crazy neighbors that seem to always stare at my other family members when they either leave or come to our house. They always seem to do this stuff during the summer. They even have their kids acting like spys. I believe that these people are dealing into something lllegal that I have stumbled across it and they don't want me telling the authorities. I know that they have our phone tap. I know one week I declined to allow one of their kids to use my computer and weird cars stated turning around and we started to get unknown callers. I know for a fact that their father along with others have been trying to kill me. I know just a couple of weeks ago one of my family members had got here at a different time than usually. The wife of this family walked outside and started to gave me the evil eye. Lucky for them I hardly leave the house anyway, but there will be a time that I will leave the house and I need to know can I get these people these people into serious trouble?




  1. If somebody does something (an ACT) against someone else then they should call the police and file a complaint.  If they only suspect that someone means them harm then there's nothing they can do except maybe talk to the people.

  2. They don't have the right to keep you from leaving your house..

  3. If you have proof you can file charges of: Invasion of privacy, attempted murder, false imprisonment, harassment.

    They can all get serious time.


  4. You kinda sound like a 5yr old not wanting to go to sleep because of the monsters under the bed. What are your folks doing about this situation? I'd call the law on these illegal neighbors and have them questioned these perps. But yeah, get some meds too, like the second person said.

  5. Hmm.  Either you have grounds for a complaint or need some meds.  Hard to say which. I favor the med option, personally (phone tapping by a random neighbor is not all that common to the best of my knowledge).

  6. If you have proof of the phone tap, you can call the police.  Other than that, they have done nothing wrong.  

    How have they tried to kill you?  It sounds more like paranoia than facts.

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