
Can your parent do sumthin to you if you pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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ok i dk how 2 put it bt am i know wat goin 2 have to me if i get prenant i ask my mom b4 she tld me da she goin 2 kick me out the house n she goin to hit me when i tell her da am pregrant n i dnt want her 2 hit me i could lost the baby r sumthin!!said that i leave without tell her n i call her i tld her i was pregnant am goin 2 live with my bf(16 almost 17).n she tell me dat she want me back at the house and if you dnt am call the police like can she do da??please help me!




  1. I don't think your ready to have a child and raise it with grammar like that!

  2. At 17 your spelling should be a lot better than it is,

  3. Reading this makes my head hurt, but I think I get it.  Your Mom can force you to live at home or she can send you to a girls ranch (for bad teens), really unless your mom really beats you she has control over you.  Remember you are her baby.  If you aren't pregnant, don't get pregnant haven't you seen the baby borrowers on TV?

  4. Please give that child up for adoption !

    God help us!

  5. For God's sake !

    Re-write this in English so we can actually understand your point !!

    Why type the way you talk - it just shows your ignorance of the English language !

  6. Please don't have a baby... there are already too many idiots in the world, we don't need more!

    Also, if you do have a baby.. please don't be the one to teach it to read or spell..

  7. Are some of the letters on your keyboard missing?

  8. I am going to assume that because your upset your spelling is poor.

    If you want some help send me a e-mail

  9. okay girl i understand you :)

    In texas i know if your 17 your aloud to leave your home without parent consent the cops may show up and ASK you to go back home but all you have to say is you dont want to and they will NOT force you. not sure where you live and if it's the same. If you re pregnant see a counselor or someone your close too and ask for help. If you and your boyfriend dont have a job and your mom is totally against i suggest putting it up for adoption its one of the hardest but best things you can do for a child that would not have a chance of a well off life. not saying you couldnt do it. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

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