
Can your parents tell u that if you are pregnant and u are only 15 can they tell u that u cant keep it .?

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can your parents tell u that if you are pregnant and u are only 15 can they tell u that u cant keep it or is it up to u? if u are pregnant at the age 15 cant u move in with ur baby father if u want to cuz thats what i want to do?




  1. no they cant make you get rid of your child,but depending onyour states laws unless your emancipated they can make you stay with them

  2. they cant tell u that u have to have an abortion or u have to give it up however they can keep u home

  3. The decision to abort (please do not) or put a baby up for adoption is up to you.  Your parents can not make that decision for you, as it is yours alone and in both cases counselors would be involved to make sure you are making a decision yourself.

    However, you can not move in with the baby's father without your parents consent.  You are still a child and they are responsible for you.  Having a baby does not make you an adult.

  4. if u have a baby u are your own master cuz you will soon be responsible for a life of another ultimately the choices you make will affect you later and regrets are often too hard for some to live with..  so before you make this step be sure as a adult u are doing what is best for your child <<living in your parents house prolly a good way to save money and still go to school education is so important it ultimately is the diffrence between mcdonalds and wells fargo <bank job> be careful what u wish for

  5. your 15 and pregnent! Im 14 and dont want kids ever!


    you have to tell your parents, though you have the right to keep the babe - you are the mother!

    DONT DO ABORTION! i am against abortion its KILLING.

    Dont move in with the father - concentrate on your carreer even homeschooling because how else will you support the babe!


  6. It is your baby, if you want to keep it, you do just that, It wont be easy, but if you have support from your babys father, it can be a lovely experience. But just remember, A Baby is for life, not just until you get fed-up of it.

  7. Well being in the case that it's going to be your baby! You have the freedom to choose.

    But, if it's in the situation where your living with your parents, and your parents are still supporting you! They do have an oppinion. But i guess the best answer is do what is best for your baby.

    Make sure your baby has the things that they need and that they can grow up in a home with people that can take care of them. Abortion is never the answer.

    Remember that this is about your baby not you :)

  8. I don't think they can take it from you.  The only way they could do that is if they could prove to child protective services that you were neglecting or abusing the child.  I am not sure about agree requirements for emancipation (moving in with boyfriend) but that may be harder to do.  If I were you I would try to find a planned parenthood or some other sort of free local organization for young expectant mothers, they can really help you figure out what your options are.

  9. Hmmm, that's a tough-e....Your parent's can't make you get rid of it, that's entirely up to you.

    As for moving out with your babies father, I don't know about that. It's probably not the best thing to do unless your mate has a well paying job. Seeing as how you are only 15 and haven't gone to colledge yet and taken any classes for certain jobs.

    Good luck with your child though! ♥ Birth is a wonderful thing.

    Hard luggin around that baby though eh? >.<

  10. Sense your still a minor, your parents does havea say so while your living with them. If you up and leave they can file you as a runaway. It really also depends on the baby' daddy age on what is to be know in your home state.

  11. your parents CAN NOT make you have an abortion, i know that much. And i am pretty sure they can't make you give the baby up for adoption, although they can choose to not help you support your new baby. Until your 18, you parents do have say on if you can move out or not, and they can call you in as a runaway if you just decide to leave. Hope i helped and congrats and good luck with your baby :)

  12. Your parents can't make you give the baby up for adoption or force you to have an abortion.

    Moving in the with the baby's father is another story.  How old is he?  If he's over 18, he can get in legal trouble for statutory rape.  If he's not 18, you guys will both need to be legally emancipated from your parents to be living on your own (if your parents won't allow it).

  13. I think it depends where you live. Where I live, your parents can make you have an abortion if you are under 16. Also, if you move out before you are 16, they have every right to come get you. They just call the cops and they bring you home.

  14. They cannot force you to have an abortion nor can they force you into adoption.

    They can however keep you at home until your 18 since your a minor.

  15. Yes you can keep it. THey can't make you do anything you don't want to do with your child, it's your body.


  17. Nobody can make you get rid of your child or make you give your baby away.

    However, it can be taken away and placed into foster care by child protective services, if you can't or won't take proper care of it.

    You are under aged, the father of your baby could be facing 10 or more years in prison for statuary rape.  How will you live with him if he is in prison?

    The baby is your responsibility until it turns 18, no matter where you live, or whom you live with.  

    How are YOU going to take care of yourself at age 15, let alone pay to feed, clothe, diaper, house and raise a baby?

    Please talk to someone you can trust.  Your parents may be the only people in the position to help you right now.

    Good luck!

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