
Can your periods stop after 1st Depo provera injection?

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I had depo injection about 3 weeks ago. My period is couple days late which has got me worried I may be pregnant.

Is it possible that the depo has caused my periods to stop already after only the 1st injection? I had depo about 3 years ago and it took ages for my periods to stop. Is it possible?




  1. Yes my period stopped straight away and I had no bleeding at all whilst I was getting the jag  

  2. I have been on it for nine months and have yet to have a period, but I had just had a baby and was nursing when I first got it, and now that I am no longer nursing, I am underweight, so those are all contributing factors to MY laack of menstration. My doctor told me though that some women experience no periods at all from the day they get thier first shot until the hormones leave their bodies. My last one has not yet worn off, but I switched to non hormonal BC. I have heard that this shot is VERY bad for you and that it takes FOREVER to get your hormones balanced back out again after you go off it, like I've heard people say that it made them CRAZY to go off of it and it took some women up to two years to get pregnant after taking it. But it is convenient I guess. Anyway, maybe it has just delayed your period, I really don't think that someone can actually get pregnant on the shot if they get it on time always.

  3. yeah this could happen. the nurse should have double checked you weren't pregnant before she gave you the injection though.

  4. Of course. It usually stops them or you get spotting.  

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