
Can your probation officer find out if you have left the state for a few days if you don't mention it?

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I was thinking of going away to New York for a few days for a family reunion just for a few days. But I am on probation. I couldn't ask my probation officer because the reunion was set too soon. If I wanna go anywhere out of state I must request for permission leave 4 months in advance.

As much as I wanaa go to the reunion, I do not want to violate my probation. However I am highly tempted to do so because we have reunions every five years and I would like to see my entire family.

I am on formal kiosk probation. I do not report to a probation officer. Just a Kiosk at the probation office where I place my hand on a scanner and answer questions.




  1. Leave your cell phone at home, use cash only and don't get confronted by the cops and you'll be ok.

  2. uh you will get caught if you get arrested, talkded to by the cops, or if they know your whereabouts online, so they might be watching you now

  3. Of course they will find out. Best thing to do is to contact your PO by phone or in person and speak to him/her.  They may let you go but I expect the reason you are on parole would have a lot to do with the answer you get.  

  4. sorry pal, but you did the crime, suck it up and do the time.  You will be caught (especially if you keep telling ppl that you want to do this)

  5. If you violate probation, you might be back in jail until the NEXT reunion.

    Murphy's Law says that, the more it's important that your parole officer not find out, the greater the chance that he will.

    It's a pretty big risk to take for something that comes around every 5 years.

  6. If you have been on probation for a while without problems they may be able to work with you.  I was on probation for about a year and something came up, I was allowed to leave for 4 days within a week of when I asked.  Talk to your PO or the POs supervisor, it doesnt hurt to ask.  but dont take a chance, if you get caught you will be arrested and not only will you get hit with a probation violation but you will face the origional charges all over again.  Good luck.

  7. There are many ways to get caught.  For example, the po makes a random home check and your neighbor mentions you got in a cab with a suitcase.  The po has you bring in credit card statements and finds the charges.  You get drunk and arrested in NY.  The thing about criminal penalties is that they are inconvenient,  On purpose.  In fact, those that get prison sentences can get shot if they find it too inconvenient.

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