
Can your water still break even though...?

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can your water break even if your only dilated to like 1cm?




  1. Yes. I know because it happened to me. Only I wasn't even 1 cm dilated! The day before I had an appointment, and I was considered "fingertip" dilated, which to them meant not even 1 cm. When I was first checked after my water had broken, I was still not even 1 cm.

  2. Yes it can.  It happens all the time; I can't begin to count the number of women who've passed through my hospital's labor and delivery suite in just such a condition...heck, it even happened to my first wife with our first child.

  3. Yes, they can break at any time.

    Under most circumstances, contrary to what some might tell you, there is NO need to rush to the hospital.  Your risk of infection is negligible, and you would probably go into labor within a few hours anyway. If you do go into labor, just head for the hospital when you normally would (when contractions are close together, strong and painful).

      If labor doesn't begin in 12-24 hours, or you are strepB positive, or the waters aren't clear, you'd want to call your doctor, since you may need to be seen/treated sooner.

  4. with my first pregnancy i was 3 days away from DD had an app dr stripped my cervix and water started breaking an hour later. With second pregnancy i was having contractions for two hours and they had to break my water at the hospital. Everyone is different but once it breaks move your pregnant tush to the hospital or infection can occur which is bad for both you and baby.

  5. yes, your water can still break even if you are only 1cm dilated. this is called premature rupture of membranes. is the "water" clear? greenish? bloody? normally, the membrane ruptures when you are in the later part of active labor (i.e. around 7 or 8cm dilated, if you it's your first pregnancy/delivery; however, it can be earlier if it's your 2nd or so delivery). in your case, it is best that you should see your OB-Gyn specialist or to any medical facility to have it checked out by a health care provider ASAP --- especially if the water is not clear.

  6. Your waters can break at any time through out your pregnancy. If they do break then get yourself to hospital as baby is at risk of infection when not surrounded by amniotic fluid.  

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