
Can your work monitor your computer activity from home? Is there any way?

by  |  earlier

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I know they can monitor activity while you are at work but can they find out what you are doing at home if you use the same computer at home that you use at work. It is my personal computer, not a work computer.




  1. They sure can! Although I'm pretty sure it's illegal if you aren't being paid/clocked in and it's your own personal computer.

    BTW, I think if you are using your own personal computer at work you can claim it as a tax deduction....(and any software or hardware that you use with it!)

  2. Yes, it is very much possible, If you use a laptop that's part of the organization you work for.Systems that are part of the organization is configured in such a way that if the user uses his workstation for activities other then work on the secured layer provided by the Network admin, his activity gets logged.Workstations tend to have certain 'scripts' that log an employee's task If he/she is allowed to take work to home(targets!!!!!).These so called 'scripts' are somewhat close to a

    'root-kit' which is not easily traceable.So, 'what belongs to the organization stays with the organization'.......

  3. You take your personal PC to work? Anyway, if the tech folks at your job have had access to your PC, then it is possible they have software installed to monitor your activities. Also, if you connect to a network for work, they can also monitor you. If you DO NOT connect to a network, and they DO NOT have direct access to your PC, then the answer is no.

  4. There is a way to do this but the person would have to install spy software onto your computer by either physically sitting at your PC...there is also a way of doing this remotely if your computer is on their network....there is a lot of spy software and key loggers on the of the best ones is Actual Spy cause it can be installed remotely....

    Most people don't change the default key strokes to access it (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X)

    Hopefully you're just being paranoid :-)

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