
Canada, USA, Philippines, WHAT IS THE BEST COUNTRY????

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Canada, USA, Philippines, WHAT IS THE BEST COUNTRY????




  1. Greece

  2. the answer is very subjective to what you value in a country.

  3. i live in america, but its definatey not the best. its a country of wasteful, rich, racist, and rude people. no country is THE BEST, but australia is cool.

  4. USA is the bast country,

  5. india and pakistan

  6. USA.

  7. Canada...i seldom hear bad news from the country...unlike the Philippines and USA...lots of rumors and bad happenings...

  8. depending on what kind of "BEST" is it...

    USA - best country for working

    Canada- best country for winter

    Philippines - best country for living after retirement

    this is only in my own opinion...

  9. the Philippines of course!

    however, whatever, situation the Philippines is in right now. i still love the people, the arguments, the place, the food, the culture.

    (note: do not consider politicians as people, they are beasts!)

  10. Canada is probably the better of the three choices.

    Australia it is then.

    FYI Australia wasn't founded by criminals but was developed by prisoners of England. Most of their crimes were for pinching bread etc to feed their starving families or for being dissidents and rebelling against English rule.

    Many of these 'criminals' went on to be pillars of the community.

  11. Out of those three countries I would rather live in Canada. I have lived in the United States my entire life. I have despised the current government (how the h**l do you "elect" George Bush president twice?)and (Obama and McCain are the two best choices for the next president, really?). If Canada was located in a warmer climate, I would have moved there by now. In the whole world Australia is probably the best country, from what I have heard and read. And that country was founded by criminals, the United States was founded by people that were sick of another country and ran away. Yep, I said it.

  12. I've been to all, so I would have to say USA because it's so nice, free and everything happens there! Plus Philippines is really dirty and government is corrupt and copy everything that happens in America. Schools in are advanced so you will fail hopelessly. Canada has parts of it just like America.

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