
Canada Vs. USA, Which is better and why?

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Me and my best friend are disgusted with the US at this point and have been for quite some time now. In the past 6 months I have lost my house, my car, and my job due to the crashing economy. I have been discussing the possibility of moving to canada with friends and relatives for the past month or so, but I cannot seem to find the answers im looking for. I want to know the differences of the US vs Canada, cost difference, schooling, laws, everything. If someone would take the time to answer me it would be a breath of fresh air, Thank you.




  1. Well, before you immigrate to Canada, immigration well do a financial background on you.  If you have no money to provide for yourself while you are in Canada looking for a job, you will not be permitted to enter the country.  You will have to go on-line and look for a job, apply and do the interview.  If you get hired, the company will sponsor you to enter the country.

    Good luck.

  2. In BC wepay  $ 96.00 a month for medicare   ( 2 adults)  Hospital is free  Meds based on income  Bus passes tax deductable. The olympics are comming lots of work , We need a hundred police officers  And two hundred bus drivers..If you like the out doors this it  See hellobc and tourismvancouver for free guides

  3. For the record, Canada may be better than the US right now, BUT not by much.  There is the same red tape here as in the US.  The economy in Central Canada is crashing too, just like that of the US.  Canada is killing insurgents (and even civilians) in Afghanistan along with the Americans and the Dutch.  As it stands, I'm quite ashamed to be Canadian; that something I thought I would never say 10 years ago.  

    Spare yourself the grief and stay in the US.  Canada is just a colder and more hypocrite version of the USA.

  4. What Kate wrote is pretty much correct except for the bit about marijuana being legal. It is NOT legal.

    As for the second poster, Canada was not built by wimps either.

  5. in my opinion is better than USA....usa is a country of racism and there are more conflicts....i prefer canada because canada i living very well the people is very cheerful and nice and there are very beauty landscapes in my opinion canada is better than usa.....

  6. I was born in Canada and lived in the US (Boston). Living in Canada is much safer. Social programs are more generous in Canada, but income taxes are higher as well. I live in the province of Québec (French is the official language). It is more relaxed, more latin. Quebec City is like living in Europe.

  7. Forget Canada, tough it up, the U.S. wasn't built by wimps.

  8. Cost difference: gas is more expensive here (Canada)

    Housing prices differ greatly from city to city, but seem to be pretty high...on the radio this morning, they said that here in Victoria BC, the average price of a house is approx. $550,000    :-(

    Contrary to the first poster, we are "at war" in Afghanistan, however most Canadians do not condone it.

    We, for the most part, are a peace loving country. We DO NOT feel the need to carry a gun with us.

    Laws: drinking age is 19 (18 in Alberta)

    We do not have capital punishment

    Marijuana is pretty much legal (unless you're growing and trafficking)

    g*y marriages are finally legal.

    Abortion is legal everywhere.

    Schooling-not sure exactly what the differences are...but it would also depend on the province, and the city that you moved to...University is about $5,000/yr in BC (as far as I can remember)...We have private and public elementary to gr 12 schools, as well as private and public colleges and universities.

    We have 5% GST, and each province has their own amount of PST....(sales taxes)

    Travelling in Canada is expensive (via trains and planes)...

    We have a higher rate of immigration than the usa (we have one of the lowest birth rates in the world)..

    We have more than two government parties to vote for.

    Alcohol is only sold in liquor stores-not available in grocery stores.

    Cell phone plans are expensive, but prices are supposed to go down with new gov't regulations.

    A lot of our media/television stations/shows come from the usa. However, Canadian media covers more world news than the usa does.

    I'd say that we are much less conservative than the usa.

    We use KMs rather than Miles... and Celsius rather than Fahrenheit.

    Canucks spell words with a 'u'...such as in favoUr, neighboUr, coloUr ect ect!!

    AND, of course the big one is universal health care for everyone in Canada.

    I hope that that helps!!

    Feel free to email me if you have any more specific questions!

    What the he!! is with the four bad reviews??

    Z-pot isn't technically legal, but at least here in BC, you can smoke it pretty much anywhere without getting in trouble....

  9. I don't actually know a lot about the USA and i don't want to say anything bad about it but I live in Canada and its pretty great. For starters we're not at war with any one which is very good. I think the laws are pretty good i mean as long as you don't kill anyone or do anything against it, you don't have any troubles. We have a great medical system here and a great schools. I don't know if your thinking like university's or colleges which i think they are probably better in the united states but ours are good to. Rate now things i think cost's are the same as the US but for a while we were cheaper although I'm not sure on that. Our relastate is skyrocketing but if you ask me i think the prices will crash in the fall but thats just my opinion. Canada is a beutiful place to live and i actually think its a little biger than the USA. The contry is a wonderful place and most people are friendly.

  10. in my opinion i think Canada is way better than the usa! but i probably am biased because i am a canadian but i will continue. for one the crime rate is lower!so in that case canada is safer!actually we are  not at war our troops are just in Afghanistan to help there. so to kate u are wrong! what else ... all citizens here are very polite and there is not a lot of racism and political issues here! over canada is a great country!

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