
Canada? Why don't we do more with our neighbor to the North?

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It seems like we keep Canada at "arms-length". Are there any reasons for this?

Just seeking opinions........





  1. Because Canada doesn't want to be any closer, especially with President Shrub in charge.

    I should know, I'm Canadian.

  2. As a Canadian, I read the question out of curiosity.  I'm a bit offended by Todd B's answer.  Thank heavens not all Americans think like him.  Sure, we have all types of people living here, just like you have to the south of us.  We have a wide variety of opinions on a wide variety of issues.  Todd B should try visiting different areas of the country.  He'll find we can actually be a fairly friendly bunch on the whole.  While we're not perfect, we try to be a tolerant society which means respecting others whether we agree with their opinions, religion, culture, etc., as long as they're not breaking any laws.  And like most people, we vote for the people we think can best run the country.  We can't help what they do once they get in office.

    From one Canadian's perspective, it does appear that at times we are kept at arms length.  However, most times we have a friendly relationship with the U.S.  It all depends on which party is in power in Canada and the U.S.  Leaders have had personality clashes in the past and that has lead to some political problems and us being kept at arms length.

  3. I don't think Canada is kept at arm's length. I think the reality is the two countries are so interwoven its not really news, all the cooperation that goes on between the two. Largest trade relationship in the world. Longest undefended border in the world. Mutual cooperation in terms of border security. And Canada is in Afghanistan and has paid a huge sacrifice for it. The two countries don't formally speak so often because its almost unnecessary, there are so many back channels of communication and the two are generally on the same page.

    There was a period when Iraq was invaded in which relations actually were frosty. But that's passed. Its business as usual between the US and Canada, which is why you rarely hear about the relationship on the news.

  4. They have no personality . Nothing much to offer other than maple syrup . They are socialist nut jobs. They never support us militarily but we have to be there for them if someone attacks them . They treat American tourists like invaders yet they welcome middle eastern terrorists and give them full rights upon landing from Europe. The list is endless.

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