
Canada or the USA?

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which is more beautiful as a whole?

What is your opinion and why?

Thanks a million!




  1. Canada has far more wide and open spaces than the US does, which in my opinion makes it more beautiful.

  2. More beautiful I would have to say the USA.  The USA just has more cities and more stuff.  Canada also is very beautiful but for overall I give my vote to the USA.

  3. Both in its own right. Both countries have scenery, attractions, history, and etc.. that makes them unique.

  4. Canada.

  5. USA

  6. If you have the time and money i will say both but if you just want one I'll say Canada

  7. US!! Dude Canadian people are ducks haha

  8. Canada.

    It is a very beautiful country.

    There is a big variety of the landscapes.

    And the inhabitants are very kind.

  9. Canada, obviously.

  10. As with everything, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  11. I live in the US but I think Canada is more beautiful.

  12. Canada

  13. Canada!! I can't explain it you have to see it for your self!!!!


    I am a U.S. Citizen but I LOVE Canada!

    Canada = down to earth, humble, beautiful scenery, natural, clean, fresh, friendly, peaceful etc! I could go on for HOURS!

    USA = pretentious, polluted, unfriendly,smog, fake, superficial, unnatural, horrible education system, crumbling economy, ETC.

    I cannot wait to MOVE to Canada.

  15. They are both awsome countries.

    Differneces? America has more money, you make more money, cars and things are chaeper to buy, there is alot more excitement ie. big cities , concerts etc and better weather. Canada however, has less inequality between the rich and poor, the mentality is better because Canadians think of themselves as one people who have to look out for each other, americans think you are suppose to look out for yourself and dont care as much about those who are poor. Taxes are alot higher in canada, but you will always be taken care of in terms of health, the homeless are taken care of better, those on welfare are taken care of better, americans see health care as a Canada health is not a privialge it is a basic human right. Crime is higher in America, and Americans believe its there right to have guns, its your right if you want to practice hate speech like the KKK etc, in Canada guns are restricted, hate speech is not allowed, racism is not as prevelant etc. So if you want money and excitement go to USA, if you want better human rights and a better standard of living (Canada ranks higher than the US on the Human development index by the UN) and more equality than go to Canada. And Im not trying to take sides, im just stating facts. Facts are undisputed, Canada does rank higher on the HDI, is safer, friendlier and has health care. If you don't think health care is important than just watch the movie John Q and get a taste of how much emotional pain 40 million Americans have to go threw when they realize a loved one needs a life saving surgery and because they dont have money they have to sit and watched their loved one die.
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