
Canada vs. USA?

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what does canda have that america doesn't?




  1. Smarter politicians, less idiots, and more resources to waste.

  2. ketchup chips

  3. Huge Oil shale deposits... and tons more Canadians

  4. Great healthcare plan,tolerant people, healthy tomatoes,lots of fresh water,Quebec culture which enriches our country.

  5. To the nut who said the has no oil the us has oil shale. lots of in my state, and we produce 40 per of our own oil.

    There are usgs. maps of this.

    Cnd has more untapped natural resoruces. i just read those 15 lakes were going to be used as mine dumps in Canada. UGH! fight it folks.

    It has far, far less people, 32 mil vs 300 mil, they pay higher taxes on most thing on avg 14 percent on all goods.  Cnd that is,

    Canada has stronger booze. Way stronger than the US.

    to learn more go to each govt sites

  6. Canada has a huge land mass, the second largest in the world, BUT our population is 90 percent SMALLER than that of the USA ( we are 32 million, they are about 300 million ) so we have much less crowding and more open spaces.

    Someone mentioned fresh water. Canada has over four MILLION lakes and rivers, and we contain about 25 percent of ALL the fresh water on the planet.

    Canada is a safe, clean and friendly country, with a well educated and healthy workforce. Social systems are fully developed and we have one of the best standars of living in the world. Canada has a world wide reputation as a country that leads in  financial aid to the third world,  and we accept more U.N. charter refugees than any other nation, per year,  based on our population.

    Canada was the first country in the world to..........

    Grant voting rights to women..

    Establish a national and universal old age pension.

    Establish a national program of unemployment insurance.

    Make it law to prohibit  descrimination of any kind,  be it racial, religious, or sexual

    Introduce a national, universal health care program.

    Volunteer it's military  forces to act under the  U.N. charter, as peacekeepers, and we have been involved in EVERY U.N. peacekeeping mission, ever since 1950.

    So yes we are the next door neighbours of the USA, but we are very clearly, NOT Americans. Not in spirit nor in actions.

    We have had a peacefull and orderly counrty, free of  internal wars, political  murders and gangsters, and along the way ,we have learned from the errors  of our neighbours to the south.

    Jim B. Toronto,

  7. more fresh water, the US wants to have some, but that's alot of water that Canada would have to give up,
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