
Canadian Oilfields?

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Hey jusy wondering how much you can make up north in canadian toil sands if you just start out? I was thinking of doig pipelaying or working on a rig. Also does anyone know if these jobs are dangerous? And if so, how would the danger rating compare to logging?




  1. They are dangerous. Here is a site with all the info you need :)

  2. The money up here is actually really good especially around the Grande Prairie area.  Working the patch is just like any other job, it's only as dangerous as you let it be.  they generally put a very strong emphasis on safety.  Fort McMurray is a good place to work but it is very expensive to live there so the money you make compared to what you pay for housing kinda cancels itself out in the end.  Wages generally start around $20+ an hour and compared to logginf I would have to say it's not as dangerous, but that's a matter of opinion really.
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