
Canadian bc resident 17 years of age?

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Could anyone inform me of what the legal age for a canadian resident is to leave the country. to go travelling, without parental consent. On the Foreign Affairs website, it states that "generally, persons younger than 18 years of age could be considered children". Would this mean that once i turn 18, i can leave without any consent from a guardian? thank you very very much.




  1. when my step daughter wanted to go with her canadian dad to the us they would not allow her into the us without written permission from her mom. in the usa legal age is 18.

    go to the voyage sites  and find the rules of the natoin you wan to travel too. unless you deemed a legal adult in your proinvce you are still a minor.

  2. The says the age to get a passport is 16.

    Passport Canada has launched an initiative called passport on-line. This initiative allows Canadians 16 years of age and older living in Canada to fill in the adult passport application electronically.

    If you can get a passport at 16 you should check here to see how old you have to be to use it alone.

  3. Q: What documents should be carried by a child travelling alone or by a parent or guardian travelling with a child?

    A: Foreign officials and transportation companies are vigilant concerning documentation for children crossing international borders. Make sure you carry the proper identification for yourself and any children travelling with you, including any documents that might be required by the authorities of the country you intend to visit, and by Canadian authorities on your return to Canada with the child.# Generally, persons younger than 18 years of age could be considered children.# Proper identification includes, but is not limited to, a valid passport for the child when travelling outside Canada. In addition, we recommend:

    That a consent document or letter be carried to prove that the child has the permission of the absent lawful parent(s) or guardian to travel. This document should be specific to each trip and should include contact information for the parent(s) or guardian. A sample is provided for parents to use as a model to draft their own consent letter.

    so the age is 18years,

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