
Canadian citizen, can i stay in usa, for 6 months & come back 4a week & go again 2 US for 6mths with no visa?

by Guest67327  |  earlier

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i am canadian citizen , i just want to know ,can i go to usa for 6 months without visa and come back to canada for a week and go again to usa for another 6 months without visa ?or i have to get visa for my second time ?




  1. My friend's uncle has a house in the US. He lives there 6 months, comes to Toronto for a check-up, then returns the next day. Sometimes they don't even stamp your passport.*

  2. By law, no. You are only allowed to be in the US 180 days out of every year. Many people cheat and try and find their way around this, but if found out could face a removal order from the US. Chances are nothing will happen, but I wouldn't take that chance. You might be able to apply to extend your visit for another 6 months through the legal channels, but since you are a Canadian and didn't need a visa to enter anyway, I don't know how that would work.

    Keep in mind, if you are not in Canada at least 180 days out of every year, then you can also lose your health care benefits.

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