
Canadian customs and foods?

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What are some foods that Canada is known for, other than poutine and maple syrup?

What are some of Canada's customs? I know, this is a hard question because it is a young country, filled with so many nationalities.




  1. Canadians are not greatly different from Americans in major areas as their heritage is almost the same.

    Despite their many similarities, many Canadians proudly say they are more sophisticated than Americans. If you were to ask why they would say it is because Canadians are more polite and respectful of others and do not have an unquenchable need to boast or brag.  

    Of course, there is the world-wide reputation that Canadians say "Eh" in almost every sentence, yet most people seldom say it and others never do.

    Canada is still a part of the British Commonwealth and most Canadians deeply respect Queen  Elizabeth and the traditions passed on from UK, as well as the systems of law that form the basis of Canadian federal law across the country, and the Provincial law in all Provinces but Quebec.


    Canada has representation from every country on the planet, so restaurants and foods that reflect this abound throughout the country .

    A few, however, do come to mind:

    French Canadian pea soup...simple, hearty, and delicious.

    (closely followed by baked beans, although Boston usually gets the credit)

    Prairie oysters, (not the band, but If you don't know, don't ask)

    They have been adopted by USA and re-named in various locations.

    Canadian pigs are bred and fed to have considerably less fat than is common in other countries, so the meat is much leaner, and healthier.  Canadian beef cattle are also leaner, and meat grades reflect this.

    Back bacon, a 95% lean, cured pork loin, is regularly served in homes across Canada, but it is not made by American pork packers. When imported into USA  it is called Canadian bacon.

    Perhaps because it is unusual, Americans love it (when they can find it) even though it costs them three and even four times the price it sells for in Canadian stores.

    Lastly, there is the basketball sandwich. Everyone knows basketball was invented in Canada, but the basketball sandwich is a menu item reserved exclusively for   loud-mouthed people.

    Well, OK, I lied about the last one, but the invention part is true.


  2. Their customs are basically the same as American, but they say "eh" alot.  

    Candian bacon (lol) No, they don't even know what that is.

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