
Canadian job boom - Where???

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I keep applying & hear nothing - Where are the skill shortages, I think it's time to re-train!!!!




  1. Alberta is the place...huge shortage of workers.

  2. Just embellish your resume like everybody else does.

    Make up several different resumes/resamay each with

    a different style & feel.   About two weeks apart mail out

    many  different styles of resume to the same company.

    Follow up with a phone call.   Persistance pays off.

  3. Skills, skills, skills, if you have skills, you get a job.  It's as easy as that.

  4. I think there are lots of jobs as long as you didn't graduate from Western University!

  5. not in brampton unless u have brown skin or your name is asian thats for sure go creative on your resume and persistance pays off plus get to know peopkle as its not what u know but who u know

  6. Depends on the type of work. Alberta and Ontario are desperate for skilled trades in home building: carpenters, plumbers, electricians, drywallers, plumbers, etc.

    Northern Alberta still hot, hot, hot in the oil industry.

  7. I live in Toronto, there is no industry that is hiring.  Definitely NOT tradespeople like contractors and carpenters, and definitely not technical jobs.

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