
Canadian ppl: Who hates BELL CANADA?

by  |  earlier

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I've had nothing but problems with Bell Canada, I recently swtiched phone/internet/tv company and went with something more reliant. Who here had trouble with their billing and customer service? Rant here!




  1. :) It makes me happy to know that Ì`m not the only one they`re having problems with. I had switched my phone/cable/internet because our internet didn`t work for a month (of course they sent a guy over who did NOTHING) and then I made the mistake of opening another account for a mobile phone. HAHA. jokes on me...cause i just cancled and have to pay 500$ yay. Not saying i didn`t know what i was getting myself into, just the fact that i signed a contract stateing cancelation was 400$. Oops.

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