
Canadian with Criminal Record travelling to Mexico?

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Is it legal for me to take a direct flight from a destination in Canada to Mexico if I have a criminal record? No opinions please...just straight answers from people who know please! Thanks!




  1. Yes, you can do it right now with your ID.   Not for much longer, as you will require a passport for any international travel from Canada, and I'm sure you have discovered you cannot get a passport with a criminal record unpardoned.    

    If you directly to Mexico from Canada by flight you have to remember there could be a chance you could have an emergency landing in the USA, and then you will be detained.  Which believe me, is not a nice situation to be in.  Its a risk you can attempt....I wouldn't.

  2. I can find no info on Mexico doing crimminal checks similar to those done at the U.S,-Canadian border . Also, there is no statement or info about "inadmissability" like those on A merican and Canadian visa sites. There seems to be no published info on this subject, which makes me believe  such checks are not yet done at the Mexican border or customs .   You may find it wise to call the closest Mexican consulate and ask.   I do not THINK there would be a problem, but that is only because I found no sign of any stated restrictions.  Also, the U.S. state dep't consular information sheet on mexico says nothing about Mexico doing criiminal checks on people entering.  This consular sheet addresses every other important subject, but has nothing to say about background  I think there are none.  See website below for list of Mexican consulates in Mexico.

  3. Check out this site.

  4. hi,

    if some time passed, the officers may not be very strict, as we all are human beings, everybody can make a be precise contact the consulate for additional data.

  5. lol..sorry if it sounds like an oppinion but Mexico is a very bad place to be..alot of good people get lost there and never to be heard from again...

    furthermore, Its no problem. as long as your not wanted for the crime. and you did your time. you shouldnt have any problems.

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