
Canadians, would you want...?

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Canadians, do you feel people view you as an unimportant and not powerful country? And would you like having a ruler who would bring success and pride to Canada?




  1. Canada has pride. I see it everyday.

    Canada is respected.

    Canadians are internationally respected.

    Canada does not have a ruler. We have a Prime Minister.

    Canada is successful in international trade.

    I like it that way.

  2. No, cause Canada is a powerful and sucessful country.

    My answer to all ur questions: nope. i like Canada the way it is.

    How is Canada unimportant & not powerful?? Without Canada the telephone would have not been invented(Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone is Canadian), which means u can't use any phones...ever. Canada is a very powerful country.

    why would u think that in the first place??

  3. Canada is a successful, prideful country.

    We're not a country that is big on boasting about how great we are...but the feeling is there.

    Our country is important, and is powerful in its own way.  You don't have to a be a military powerhouse and all around superpower to be important in this world.

  4. Canada has pride

    and if you judge success and pride as being an overpowering bully of a country like the one down south then Canada is fine just like it is

    Canada doesn't have a ruler she has a prime minister! voted by the people

  5. no not at all!! our country is an amazing country with great potential and success. we've done so much to show our leadership in many different ways!! we help other countries, we respect others and we've always been there for others. we are known around the world for our great contributions and we  have chosen our leader. i love Canada the way it is not saying it cant improve im saying it has brought great success.

  6. I don't care what other people think.  We are a powerful country and take leadership in world affairs.  We are the third largest force in Afghanistan right now and we have made large contributions to other conflicts like Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia, and the first Gulf War.  We were also the nation who pioneered using the military for peacekeeping (our prime-minister at the time won the Nobel Peace Prize for it).

    Just because we don't go in, guns blazing all the time like the US or their side-kick, the UK, doesn't mean we aren't powerful or important.

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