
Canadians have accents?

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As a canadian, i really want to know... Do i have an accent compared to the people in the US??




  1. ya we do and it differs from region to region. Same with Americans thought they all have accents even thought they dont think they do

  2. yes

  3. Yeah, you have an accent.

    They way you say: sorry & about - are the biggest differences....

    Oh, and the way you say advertisements.

  4. Yes we do have accents or so Americans like to tell us. Some Americans feel we have a slightly Southern accent while others feel our accent is slightly British but rest assured, we do have accents especially folks from Newfoundland or PEI who have an Irish accent or French accent if from Quebec or New Brunswick.  If from the West Coast it is probably a Cantonese accent or Punjabi accent.

  5. yes, everybody has an accent

  6. I just went to Canada on vacation, and the accents were delightful. Sometimes, when it was a thick French accent, it was a little hard to understand. In Cape Breton, the accents were what I would have considered Scottish (it rocked!). I like CANADIAN accents. They're cute on boys (aka Hayden Christensen)(and he can act... for all those doubters). I live in an area where accents are thick also, but just in the US. I've lived here almost all my life and still can't understand what they are saying.

  7. Eh? No accents in this hoose.

  8. Uh.. Yah. Eh.

    What's this question really aboot ?

  9. French  in a few cases, others in some words     The OUT words, but in upper New York State , the sound the same.

  10. yea some speak french or may sound english one of those to or they fake an accent

  11. Imaka said it best. EVERYONE appears to have an "accent" to another group. There are always subtle (or not so subtle) differences, although most Canadians probably sound very similar if not exactly the same as *most* Americans from the U.S. If you watch any American TV shows or newscasts, I usually can't hear any accents that sound distinct from most English speaking Canadians. Canadians may pronounce the odd word differently. "Roof" comes to mind. Canadians usually say "roo-f", while Americans usually pronounce it like a dog barking (i.e. "ruf").

    Some regions of Canada (French speaking and the Maritimes most often) have more distinct accents than others. Other Canadians notice it too, of course.

    Very similar to how people in the U.S. will say that certain areas (i.e. the south or New York) have a distinct accent that is easy recognizable.

    So yes, you *may* very well have an accent, but again, it depends on where in Canada you live, and where the American you are talking to lives as well.

    An Canadian from Manitoba visiting North Dakota may sound exactly the same, but if an American from New Jersey is taking to a Francophone from Quebec or someone from Newfoundland, both likely will notice a strong accent.

    Again, there are many variables. I know people from Newfoundland who have strong accents, and some who sound like a "typical" Canadian with no detectable accent to most of us.

    So yes, you *will* have an accent to some Americans and Vice Versa, but likely not all.

  12. Yes, Canadians have distinctive accents, and some of us have accents more distinctive than others.  There are also many different American accents, not just one that could be described as an American accent.

  13. ya u do

  14. no canadians are boring

  15. No. The only reason why I have a slang in my english is because I spent 2 months in the US, im around people who only speak slangs etc. I also use new ways of communication and grammar kind of sets loose....Ex: Text, MSN, Facebook.

  16. Yes you do.  There are actualy classes for Canadian actors to learn how to speak like an American.

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