
Canadians moving to Panama need guidance?

by Guest65723  |  earlier

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We are researching as much as we can before we go. We are in our 50's and will only bring clothing and small amount of personal possessions (such as guitar, photos, laptop), and our dog. We think we will end up somewhere between Panama City and David and look to buy small house near beach. Is it reasonable to think that we could make the move, arrive in Panama City and locate temporary living space, so that we can take few months to explore and find out where we want to settle permanently? Or do you think we should just come on short trip first? All we want is quiet life, safe and peaceful, chance to take dog for swim each day, and make positive contribution to the community we live in. Preferably in least wet/rainy area; humid is ok, hot is ok. We have researched immigration rules for us and dog, language (brushing up on Spanish), housing and living costs, taxes, etc. (Have not seen any info on views on smoking in Panama? -many restrictions here.) Such a move realistic?




  1. First of all, have you been here? Have you decided this is the place for you?  If not, then come down for a short stay, rent a car and drive around.  

    Get out of the city and head for the Azuero Peninsula.  At the end of the peninsula is a little town called Pedasi. It, or something along the way might catch your eye. The peninsula is mostly cattle country and not especially beautiful. But you will be close to the beach and fishing there is fantastic.

    What kind of visa will you have? The visa is very important. Without a permanent resident visa, you will have to leave the country every 90 days. You should look into your eligibility before you do anything else. If you cannot get a visa, then forget it.  I know a few gringos who are illegal, but it is taking a big chance.

    You haven't mentioned prices. What's your budget? Price are going up here.

    Yes, you can come here, find a place and move in in 90 days on a tourist visa, but it would be challenging and hours of driving and looking.

    You would need a bi-lingual person to help you through the rough spots. You will need an attorney and a real estate agent who you can trust. Difficult finds anywhere, as they only want to sell you what they have listed.  

    I suggest you spend some time on the Yahoo! Groups on Panama. There is one for real estate under 100K.

    If you are sure Panama is for you, yes, you can do what you've set out to do.  

    As for smoking, Panama has recently enacted smoking bans in all public buildings - ALL buildings! So be careful about that.

    As for weather, it is the same all over the country with the exception of the highlands in the interior, where it is cooler and on the Caribe side where it rains most everyday regardless of wet season or dry.

    The move is more idealistic than realistic but not impossible.

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