
Canadiens? school, teenage, basic life info? canada info??? plz thinking bout living there for 6 months?

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ok well im really (like almose certain) that i wanna do a student exchange in canada and there is a high chance of it happening so i was wondering all about canada, the teenage/ family life, school... basiccly everything!!!




  1. Um, there's no difference between Canadian teenage live and American teenage life, unless you don't live in America.

    It really is the same, you go to school, skip a few claases if your bored, go to the mall if your parents let you, hangout with friends. Deal with the cold.  

    School, in some places gym isn't necessary all three years for highschool, you still get lockers in high school, teachers still give craploads of homework.

    There are clicks, regardless if nobody wants to mention it. People are more cowardly then before. Getting twelve friends to jump one person. -_-

    Life info? Canada is cold, and be prepared for that if your exchanging during winter season. To tell you the truth, it snowed really hard just last week. All the snow melted only yesterday. Hah hah. I'd come preapred.

    We don't say eh, at all the end of our sentences but we probably will do it just to amuse an american or someone who assumes we say eh all the time.

    Not a lot of places speak French, and Quebec doesn't really speak English but they do anyway.  Seeing as how they wanted to separate from Canada, I really see why some of the Canadian contests don't apply to Quebec.

    We don't really like the stuff our premier is doing, but then again, we don't really like anything any of the premiers were doing.

    If your going to Alberta, the GST is 5%. Most of the provinces have other taxes, but I do know that Alberta only has GST.

    Candiens and Canadians are the same thing. One is french the other is english.

    Life is the same here as anywhere. Except we can get free health care. That's all I can really think of.

  2. are you sure you want to live in an igloo?? I'm just saying... be prepared... your *** gets pretty cold sleeping on those slabs of ice... : )

    Life in Canada is the EXACT same as the States, only better, because it's Canada : ) Lots friendly people & smiling faces. Just be sure not to mock us with "eh", we can get quite annoyed by it. It's very suttle, and most of us don't even notice it when we say it. So, be sure not to go there... Make sure you visit the Rockies, probably the most beautiful thing you'll ever see!! Other than that... Enjoy everything our beautiful country has to offer!

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