
Canaries refusing to............?

by  |  earlier

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i had my canaries for 2 years now and they wont die lol no seriously they wont mate I'm getting really angry is it the male or female I'm irritated help what to do???? why do they refuse to make babies i want lil bonnie n clyde family




  1. First problem is have you a Male & Female,as if you have then they should have made attempts to breed now.(breeding season is normally in the spring March -June.

    A good diet is a factor in breeding condition,have you provided nesting facilities (a nest pan)

    Do you know of another Canary owner near you to whom you can ask to check the s*x of your birds.(as going to the vet is expensive)

    If your birds are not "Singing" then you have 2 females,if both are Singing then you have two males.this is the simplest way to check.

    Last but not least how old are they you have had them 2 years but were they young when you bought them?

  2. Double check their sexes, just in case!

    Maybe it isn't the breeding season yet?

    You could try feeding them some different foods, like oranges and apples. Make sure, if they are indoor birds, that they are near a window so they get all the light they need for health and wellbeing. Also, ensure that they have a nesting box for privacy!

  3. maybe their both males or females  

  4. who cares. overpopulation is a massive problem with animals now adays anyway go buy some more make the ma happy family

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