
Canary illness !! vets help!!?

by  |  earlier

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My Canary has very flaky and scaly legs. I have bought medicine(scalex) and nothing has worked. He can not sleep because of all the pain he has, and i can not take him to the vet because they say he is and "exotic bird" .

what can i do, or where can i take him?

if you could also please provide some websites where i can see what type of illness he has.

please help he is in pain.

thank you.




  1. try they know alot about finches and canaries

  2. from what you describe, nothing really sounds to be wrong with your bird. they have scaly legs. my tiel has flakly legs, like skin peeling off after a sunburn, and he's fine. you should only use scalex if you have been told it has mites on that area. don't use it if it doesn't.  how do you really know 'he's not sleeping'? obviously i dont think you are watching him 24 hours a day. you need to find and avian vet in your area.  

  3. You need to find an avian vet in your area, or someone who treats "exotic" birds.

    Does he have mites?

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