
Cancer Sun/Aries Moon...harmonious?

by Guest61780  |  earlier

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[Me: Sun/Cancer, Moon/Aries, Rising/Virgo]

I'm in my first serious relationship so this made me step back and think about myself. I read how your moon sign affects emotions, intuitions, and things like that and the sun sign affects everything. I wondered what the deal with me was because these two signs are complete opposite elements (fire and water). I've noticed that I was always shy and sweet until I got in bed with my boyfriend...I surprised myself with how adventurous I am. [Boyfriend: Scorpio]

What would you say I'm like in relationships and love?

How does my Sun and Moon sign mix?




  1. Hey im a Cancer sun and Aries moon as well!But my Ascendant is Scorpio..And in astrology is not harmonious,the aspect between ur sun and moon sign is called a square ill give u some info....

    Sun square Moon

    What people who were born with Sun square Moon in their natal charts want and what they need are in conflict. The Sun square Moon aspect is similar to the Sun opposition Moon aspect in this sense, but there are very notable differences. Whereas the struggle between wants and needs is mostly played out on the inside and through significant relationships with Sun opposition Moon people, Sun square Moon people tend to confront obstacles that come from the outside. In truth, the struggle is within, as it is a case of being "one's own worst enemy". There can be a tendency to attract challenging situations into the life as an unconscious attempt to recreate the tension of early childhood. As well, specific habits and attitudes can hamper their progress in life.

    These people generally have a need to achieve and accomplish something important, and they act out their internal struggle along the way. For whatever reason, these people didn't feel needed or accepted. The clash between their parents or parent figures, if indeed there was one, made them feel unaccepted for who they were, and there can be a very real drive to prove themselves to the world (and/or to the parents). The parents may not have simply been opposite personalities, as is the case with Sun opposition Moon. It is more likely that their relationship was a continual struggle. Sun square Moon individuals internalized the tension in the cosmic air that they were born into, and felt out of place as a result. In some cases, they literally felt unwanted by one or both parents. Even if the parents didn't clash, the early life was likely to have been over-stimulating and tense, causing the child to feel insecure.

    These people experience a struggle between their need for nurture and their need for independence. When they get the autonomy that they seem to crave, they feel unsupported by others. When they receive the support they crave, they feel smothered. This internal clash is most apparent in the relationships they form, especially in the first half of their lives when they may not be aware of these patterns. Confrontations and challenges are frequent--not just with romantic partners, but also on the job, with friends, and so forth. However, these people have a lot of drive and spunk. They are resilient creatures who have faced conflict and who have survived it. Although they face a struggle with fluctuating energy, they are motivated to accomplish something. Ideally, they learn through experience to accomplish something for themselves rather than to prove their worth to others.

    Heres info about Aries moon signs..

    The Aries Moon is an unstable and uncomfortable Moon, since Aries is a Fire Sign and the Moon rules Cancer, a Water Sign. This is a gregarious, generous and optimistic Moon, where opinions are decisive and forceful. The Aries Moon is also a high-strung and controlling Moon, as well as being spontaneous, energetic, friendly and honest. It suggests an aggressive attitude, quick temper, impulsiveness and brutally forthright behavior...the tendency to act through emotion rather than reason. The attitude of the Aries Moon is restless and risk-taking.

    In general, those with the Moon in Aries are likely to be spontaneous and excitable. Such individuals are also militantly hostile in their expression of anger and maybe be prone to periods of irritability. These are self-reliant characters who want to have everything their own way, refusing to be pushed around by anybody. Those with the Moon in Aries are self-disciplined and balk against any who would impose discipline upon them. These characters are usually either intensely liked or disliked by others due to their impulsive behavior. Moon in Aries individuals like to take charge and will probably rise to positions of authority in their chosen careers. Being natural leaders, they set the pace and terms for themselves and will likely chose their own vocations, regardless of any advice offered by friends and relatives. The relationship between an individual born with the Moon in Aries and his or her parents may be a difficult one since there is a distinct lack of both sympathy and communication. The actions of these individuals are perceived by others to be impulsive and unexpected. The Moon in Aries is a good sign for those who enjoy originality, adventure, independence and a military life. Such persons may be attracted to studies in the occult or mysticism and possess a great desire to harbor secrets. Impatient, with the need to act immediately and consider the consequences at a later date, those with the Moon in Aries find it difficult to understand opposing viewpoints. These are quick-thinking characters with a love of the instantaneous and a tendecy to become bored with minor practical details. Straight-forward in nature, the Moon in Aries person is very much a "what you see in what you get" type of individual with a wonderfully warm heart most of the time and a desire to comfort those in need of solace.

    Heres Cancer Sun Aries Moon Combination


    The combination of your Sun and Moon signs gives you a quick mind and a remarkable memory. You are a person with much self-respect and determination. Yet this never seems to make you at all self-centered or insensitive to others. In fact, you are very sensitive to everyone, and you live by the code "Do unto others as you would. . ." There is no great complexity about your emotions. They are just near the surface, and as a rule, do become easily aroused. If offended, you often reply with a quick and ever so intense emotional reaction. But there is not much depth to this temper, and you become quickly cooled and back to normal. Emotions are quick and changeable. Sometimes you say things before thinking that you later regret. This is unfortunate, because your intentions are usually sterling. Although you mean the best and you'll go into battles for your friends, you're not so good at respecting their ideas. You may dismiss such ideas and principles before really giving them any thought. You are anything but a naive person, and about the only way you can be fooled is by playing to your emotions. Your nature is a little on the suspicious side. You seem to succeed much more readily working in some humanistic profession or artistic endeavor, rather than in a business. People and ideas appeal more than money.

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