
Cancer sun Pisces moon Scorpio rising?

by Guest1  |  earlier

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what is my compatibility with a taurus?




  1. I have the same exact combination. I've seen couple of reading on this combo and I should not, it's not very accurate. According to most readings, I have to be highly emotional which I truly and honestly am not. I'm beginning to wonder why... I do not get offended almost at all. I am so laid back and it's really hard when your whole family is made of Leo's and Aries!! Here's what my birth chart looks like:
    Sun Cancer 14.22 Ascendant Scorpio 3.43
    Moon Pisces 4.26 II Sagittarius 2.21
    Mercury Leo 9.34 III Capricorn 4.55
    Venus Gemini 0.11 IV Aquarius 9.50
    Mars Cancer 17.52 V Pisces 12.48
    Jupiter Aquarius 15.26 R VI Aries 10.49
    Saturn Scorpio 21.46 R VII Taurus 3.43
    Uranus Sagittarius 14.50 R VIII Gemini 2.21
    Neptune Capricorn 1.54 R IX Cancer 4.55
    Pluto Scorpio 1.56 R Midheaven Leo 9.50
    Lilith Taurus 3.48 XI Virgo 12.48
    Asc node Taurus 16.37 XII Libra 10.49

    Planets in the houses
    Sun in IX
    Moon in IV
    Mercury in IX
    Venus in VII
    Mars in IX
    Jupiter in IV
    Saturn in Ascendant
    Uranus in II
    Neptune in II
    Pluto in XII
    Lilith in VII
    Asc node in VII

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