
Cancer the Crab - description of the gaze

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I've always been truly enchanted by the scorpion gaze... piercing, profound, steady, transfixed, emotional, powerful... and this is the description I get about the eyes of scorpios all over the internet in every possible website that is concerned with astrology...

I always wanted this kind of mesmerizing gaze. But hey, I'm a Cancer! Water runs deep, but not a Scorpio. I really tried to search for some descriptions about the cancerian eyes but never got one that answered my questions... my sister's ascendant is scorpio and pluto conjuncts her ascendant, and my mother's ascendant is virgo, but pluto also conjuncts her ascendant... they both have some of this intensity... And I also want that, lol. I must sound silly.

So....... Could anyone please explain - what is it about scorpios that make their gaze so intense, and if there's any kind of intensity in the eyes of cancerians? or, in general, how do crabby eyes look? Thanks :)




  1. hey baby thanks for the complement. what can i cancers rock....even if we are a little psychotic. any-whoo. if you want to read a good horoscope book try "born on a rotten day" by hazel dixon-cooper basically it says caners are psychotic and should be committed, which is true for me, i hear it about 50 times a day from the "normal" ppl at work :) and about the whole "eye thing" i agree with the person that said our eyes show every emotion we have its just people dont really pay too much attention to it. and if your empathic, that helps.

  2. well, us cancerians actually have VERY intense gazes as well. all the water signs do.

    it is said cancers are the most emotional sign of the zodiac(and pisces is the most sensitive). we have eyes that are pitless. they run so deep, and even though we may be going through a mood swing, and everyone's saying we're being a bi*ch today...our eyes will tell you all the pain and suffering that we're actually experiencing.

    when we are upset, especially by the death of a loved one, our wounded eyes have a certain gaze that just breaks your heart. it's like the stare of a half-starved dog that was abused by its owner.

    our eyes make us have the most expressive face among the water signs. they are often large, and very round in particular. think of a crab.  they change shape, and widen as often as our moods change.  (which is alot, since we are the moodiest signs of the zodiac).

    be proud!!! we have awesome eyes. all the water signs do

    =cancer w/ aries rising

  3. i think all water signs have great eyes in their own way i just dnt know how crabs eyes do..well i think anyone can have intense eyes by trying to look at a certain person full of power just think that ur staring at them with intensity and thats wat will somehow show..practice in the mirror...

    well i a pisces and have leo rising..i have seductive eyes that can also sometimes appear..striking ..innocent  and dreamy..i always fell for scorpio's eyes i also want to have eyes as them..but i tried to appreciate how pisces eyes appear..they also have mystery in them what i think about cancer eys their eyes seems caring and full of love....try to search...sorry i forgot teh site...^^

  4. mine are hazel,turn blue when pissed and ready to fight. freaks every body out.

  5. love that born on a rotten day book its sooooo dead on.....

    i am a cancer with a scorpio rising... and i can have very intense eyes depending on what emotion i'm dealing with if i'm just normal i look high, eyes are really glossy but if i'm pissed i get the crazy look... but uh yeah, i love my eyes and what i can do/control with them.

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