
Cancerian crab or dog? ?

by  |  earlier

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After years of attraction I finally spilled my guts to a cancerian and told

him I loved him. This was on line and the first time he had responded

back to me in a year. He said that he was guilty and confused as well

as living in an idealistic world of his own creation. And was sorry for

not being in touch and would call.

He cheated on his wife and is living with the female crab he cheated with. When I responded asking if he was questioning his current relationship he vanished again. He wanted to see me last year when

they were living he just confused or horny??

I don't think he really loves her but I can't get him to open up without

a struggle!!! Any input would be appreciated.

Sad Gemini




  1. Drop him like a bad habit and don't think about him anymore. If you were important to him, he would stay in touch with you. You need to move on and stop messing with guys who already have a wife or girlfriend. If he cheats on them, he would cheat on you.  

  2. It sounds like he has some problems in his marriage, but he doesn't want to split up with his wife, he wants to keep having his cake and eating it too. I think you should just drop him, as hard as that is for you since you love him and all. I think you should try to focus on what you want in life and then go for it, don't try to get a married man they rarely leave their wives. & if he did would really want him then? What makes you think he wouldn't do the same to you?

    Move on, I wish you the best.  

  3. Im a cancer and i say that hes one confused little F'er drop him but dont drop all cancers.

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