
Cancers have bad tempers?

by  |  earlier

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Im a cancer and i have an EXTREMELY bad temper, from little things like someone cutting me off and my favorite sports team's messing up to getting in a heated arguement. Is anyone else like this?




  1. i used to hang out with a cancerian guy, and he had a VERY bad temper.... over little things he would just snap. I didnt know whether to be mad, scared, or feel bad for him

  2. Cancer are highly sensitive people. They are very particular about the thing around themseleves. Being a water sign, their way of reacting to disturbance or stress is by vexing out their emotions (bad temper).

    There is one thing to point out that is Cancer must learn to resist the impact the surrounding had on them for being emotional frequently is bad for their health for they are born will a rather sensitive and prone to sickness body.

    I'm not a Cancer but my rising is Cancer. I do realised I could get all worked out for little matter over nothing. I'm constantly keep in mind about learning to control that.

  3. i dont think cancerians are like that...

  4. definitely, but i'm also irish. so that might have something to do with it.

  5. im the same way

  6. yeah i am like that too. I think it is because cancers are very sensitive and so they are hurt by the littlest things and make sure people know it sometimes. I am like that too, im a cancer

  7. My ex was an Cancer, and his temper was explosive!

  8. Hello,

    Yes Kristy is right, cancerians are sensitive, and they have tough outer shell and we are moody its possible that you can snap people's heads off when you want to....mostly because they wanna protect themselves.

    However, you also probably have mercury in a neighboring sign of Leo ( a hot fire sign ) , your venus can also be in Leo . Importantly , your mars can be in one of those hot headed sign, for example Aries, Leo , where your temper is hair-triggering.

    Your mars can also be in cancer which conjunct your sun. Mars-Sun conjunction, no matter what sign they are in , could give a person a temper ....sometimes a very bad one.

  9. I'm a Cancer, too, but I don't have a bad temper. I hardly ever get into a heated argument, and I'm not overly sensitive about little things as you are-sorry! ;).

    I think this "temper issue" has more to do with your moon sign, since temper has to do with emotional reaction. Moon placement addresses emotionalism, emotional tendencies and reactions-not necessarily the sun sign.

    Or: It could be due to mars placement, since mars rules aggression, and these temper tantrums are products of aggressive behavior/temperament/mentality.

  10. It's the heat. you were born into it, it's in your blood, you can't escape it. like wearing a parka in a station wagon with the windows rolled up at noon on independence day, it frustrates you so bad you just want to explode.

    It's the reason the worst riots in history are in the dead of summer. The Heat... itchy, sweaty, stuffy, balmy, clamy, sticky, nagging, irritating HEAT!!!!   AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

  11. yep, definately true.

    whoever labeled us crabbies as gentle, shy pushovers was DEAD wrong.

    cancers are crabs, so they are very crabby. they have pinchers to nip your nose off and a thick outer shell as armor.

    basically no one can penetrate their shell once they've retreated into it, but keep kicking at them once they've disappeared, they will kick your sorry a*s.


  12. actually i am not that hot headed IM A CANCER :) and glad to be

  13. The Cancers I know don't really have bad tempers, but that's just the ones I know. It's always important to remember that we all have unique natal charts that have other signs in it that make up our personality. Perhaps you have fire signs in your chart that gives you that burst of fire and passion. If I were you I would get a natal chart done to see what signs are in your chart. That way you can get a better idea about your personality.

  14. i truly understand where u are coming from... im a fellow cancerian and i have the worst temper... one moment i could be cool and calm and then somebody can say or do something to me and i loose it... my girl says i need anger management but i dont think so... once i let it out im good... until something else happens....

  15. omg yes they do have a bad temper

  16. My mom is a cancer and she doesn't have a bad temper. My son was born June21st, so he is either a cancer or a gemini? I think. I really don't know which one he is suppose to be.

  17. No I'm a Cancer I don't have a bad temper. Maybe there is something in your chart that makes you angrier than others.

  18. my friend is a cancer...well, I try to go on her good side...she can get very fiery... XD...

  19. h**l yeah lol

    my grand mother is a cancer (july 4th) and she has a bad temper when things don't go her way lol, even the slightest when she's trying to sew and the needle breaks, you better give her a smoke and run the other way haha

    but she's great when she's not mad. She's really fun to be with.

  20. haha ya i have a bad temper on the down low....I'm pretty dominant too so if i don;t get my way sometimes i get mad

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