
Canda and MARIJUANA ???

by Guest33675  |  earlier

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LET PUT THE RUMORS TO REST....I heard Smoking MARIJUANA in CANADA in INLEGAL...but I have alot of people telling me other wise and you see people showing how to grow it in MySPACE video and what people that live in CANADA or know the truth tell me...what it is ?




  1. i live in canada

    and im pretty sure when they busted me for possesion it wasnt legal

    so yes its illegal.

  2. I live in Brentwood L.A right now but i used too live in Vancouver and people would smoke it right downtown and didnt care and nor did the police. And its legal but only so much you cant have like tons and tons of it and also health marijuana is also legal.

  3. It WAS legal. A year or 2 ago they passed a bill that makes it illegal.

  4. illegal, people do it anyways

  5. I live in Toronto and have had friends busted for possession for smoking on the street.

    That being said, there are a few hash bars in town where people smoke openly and police turn a blind eye.

    (The bars don't sell drugs - just drug paraphernalia)

  6. The Canadian government spend millions on a study on what to do with the marijuana problem in Canada.The study concluded that it should be legalized.Since then an Ontario judge as declared the law was unconstitutional and there was no marijuana laws for a short time,till the judges decision was overturned on an appeal.Marijuana is still illegal.

  7. In British Columbia, it's legal, but as far as i know, the rest of Canada, it's illegal. I'm sure the laws on pot are more lenient here than in the USA though. In the USA, I'd imagine that posession of ONE TINY CRYSTAL OF THC would get you the chair.

  8. To those who think marijuana is decriminalized... WRONG! You forget that the bill to decriminalize simple possession was proposed to Parliament by the Liberal government just before they lost elections to the Conservatives who quickly killed the proposed bill before it passed.


    Speaking to the Canadian Professional Police Association, Harper received applause when he reiterated that the legislation drawn up by the previous Liberal Party government would not be reintroduced when the new Parliament sits Monday.

    The bill, which had alarmed law enforcement officials in Canada and the United States, died on the floor of the House of Commons after the Liberal Party lost elections in January.

    Under the bill, getting caught with about half an ounce or less of marijuana would have brought a citation akin to a traffic ticket, not a criminal record. While possession of marijuana would have remained illegal, the bill was intended to prevent young people from being saddled with a lifelong criminal record.


    So to summarize: in law, possession in Canada of MJ is a crime in LAW.

    However, and this is what I think other answerers mean, it is rarely criminalized IN PRACTICE. Law enforcement and the justice system in general is busy enough with other more important issues than processing casual MJ smokers.

    IMHO, the police will use possession charges only in cases where they have insufficient proof to detain a suspect on another more serious charge but wish to detain because it is useful to further their investigation.

  9. It is illegal however it is not enforced as much as in the States. It is a lot more open here, you see people smoking it almost anywhere you go. They tend to crack down on grow ops as opposed to the people at the bottom of the chain.

  10. I live in the USA, but I highly doubt it. =]

    I know that in ALASKA, you can grow up to a certain amount, and smoke a certain amount that is legal. However, you can still get in trouble there if youre busted with an amount that is over the limit.

    I wouldnt suggest trying to do it in public or anything-lol.

    I would just do it how we do in America, and keep it private and away from the police. =]

    I hope I could help, Ill try to find out some more for ya.

  11. Just answered this exact question.  It is decriminalized meaning it is not legal but you won't get charged with personal use.  Only charges laid will be for dealing and growing.  It's very confusing up here though because they keep changing the law back and forth and most people don't know where we stand.  I assure you I have many friends on the police force and I have been informed by them many times that it is not illegal.

  12. Canada And Amsterdam in Europe

    Marijuana is legal on those place.. why? because they believe that smoking marijuana is healthy for our body and anyway its just a natural plant here in the world unlike shabu...

    -next time you ask a question... try to correct your spelling and your grammar... people will be having a hard time understanding you


  13. first, why you so interesting in marijuana. this is a dopee and you are a dop Addy ,and people do not l**k dopes

  14. It's illegal. QUIT WRITING IN CAPS.

    *cough* anyways, it's illegal. People who upload videos like that are idiots.

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