
Candle magick??????????????????? need help!!!

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Does it work?? and please give me some tips?? im going to do a love one on friday...but its just one that brings love into my not forceing someones will..i think thats sad..but ya...i need tips..and whats the best time i should do my love spell on friday?? in the morining like 1 am?? or like later around 10???

and is there any chance that it will backfire???




  1. There are different notions about the best time to cast a spell... the way I was taught, midnight, dawn, or high noon are the best times, as well as any point between midnight and dawn. Some people also think the hour on the clock is best to go by, usually to cast the spell at odd hours or at 9 or 3 or something. Then some just say to cast the spell at any time it's dark.

    Others say it's best to cast according to moon phases -- if you want to add something to your life to work while the moon is full or is waxing, and if you want to remove something to work when the moon is dark or waning.

    Then, some people say it is best to bathe or shower before casting a spell, to spiritually cleanse ones self of any negativity or potential blockages. Some even use magical soaps or herbs in these cleansings that line up to the intent of the spell.

    Still others swear by burning incense during the spellwork, citing that it helps the caster to concentrate, helps to set the energy in the room, or that the smoke and perfume will attract the attention of the spirits.

    Otherwise, one thing not many other people bring up but which I have found very helpful, is to play some music while casting the spell -- try to pick something pleasant and that won't be too distracting, like some light classical perhaps. It's best to choose something instrumental or else with lyrics in a language you don't easily understand -- It helps to drown out any outside noises (cars, people talking, etc.) and depending what sort of music you choose, create a spiritual/happy/tranquil environment.

    As for backfiring... let's just say I don't believe in it. (The short version is, every "backfiring" I've ever seen was the result of poor planning, such as spellcasters asking for things they didn't really want or neglecting to think out the consequences of certain goals.)

    Anyway, good luck to you!

  2. Are you planning on using pink candles with extra virgin olive oil?  I'd use a pink candle for love a white candle for protection, use the oil to rub on the candle pick something that most resembles you...well you probably have a spell already in mind.

    As for protection, before you start use a white candle to draw a circle around you while picturing that circle all around you say aloud none shall pass that wish to do me harm.  I believe that whenever you do magik there is always a possibility of bad coming through.   You can draw a circled pentagram and sit in the middle with white candles on the five points.  

  3. It is possible. But not recommended. Especially since you are doing it for your own desires. "Good or bad in what you do, three times that comes back to you."

    If you are unprotected, it could reverse, backfire, or cripple you.

  4. You picked the right time of the month - new moon on Friday.

    The most important thing I can suggest is try to meditate yourself into a trance before doing it.

    If you really want to get technical, just after sunset would be the right time, but it's not really as important as your state of mind.  

  5. Concentrate on what you want to bring into your life in as much detail as you can. For love use a red or pink candle. If it helps play some relaxing music to set the tone and to help you visualize love coming into your life.

  6. Let us know how it went

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