
Candy Problem?

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ok im a vegertarian. i do not want to be eating cow and pig skin, tendons, ligaments and bones! can you plz give me a list of the candys i can eat. im not vegan so i do eat dariy products and eggs.





    I know that says vegan, not vegitarian, but gelatin and animal tendons and icky stuff like that is still considered "Vegitarian"

  2. i don't know about a list, but the ingrediant containing what you mentioned is gelatin. just read the ingrediants on candies and pretty soon youll learn whats safe and what isnt

  3. What you're talking about is gelatin.  Look for it on ingredient labels and avoid it.

  4. The following candy is vegan:

    ~ Airheads taffy

    ~ Atkins peanut butter bars

    ~ Blow Pops

    ~ Charms lollipops

    ~ Chick-o-Sticks

    ~ Cracker Jack

    ~ Cry Babies

    ~ Dem Bones

    ~ Dots

    ~ Dum-Dums

    ~ Fireballs

    ~ Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews

    ~ Hot Tamales

    ~ Hubba Bubba bubblegum

    ~ Jolly Ranchers (lollipops and hard candy)

    ~ Jujubees

    ~ Jujyfruits

    ~ Lemonheads

    ~ Mambas

    ~ Mary Janes (regular and peanut butter kisses)

    ~ Mike and Ike

    ~ Now and Later

    ~ Pez

    ~ Ring Pop lollipops

    ~ Smarties

    ~ Sour Patch Kids

    ~ Super Bubble

    ~ Swedish Fish

    ~ Sweet Tarts

    ~ Tropical Source mini chocolate bags

    ~ Twizzlers

    ~ Zotz

  5. gelatin

  6. I think most chocolates would fit what you are looking for. Rock candy is just sugar and water.

    Here's a link that might be helpful. I found this right here on Yahoo Answers!

  7. wow, i didn't know some candy contained that.  To me I always thought all candy was okay for vegetarians.

  8. this is alot harder than it looks

    try sherbert with a lollipop, those things are great

  9. These are safe

         Airheads taffy

        Atkins peanut butter bars

        Blow Pops

        Brach’s Cinnamon Hard Candy

        Charms lollipops


        Cracker Jack

        Cry Babies

        Dem Bones




        Goldenberg's Peanut Chews

        Hubba Bubba bubblegum

        Jolly Ranchers (lollipops and hard candy)





        Mary Janes (regular and peanut butter kisses)

        Now and Later


        Ring Pop lollipops

        Smarties (U.S. Brand)

        Sour Patch Kids

        Super Bubble

        Swedish Fish

        Sweet Tarts

        Tropical Source mini chocolate bags




        Bean dip (make sure it’s lard-free)

        Cracker Jack


        Lance’s Toasty Crackers

        Lay's Stax

        Lay's WOW! potato chips

        Microwave popcorn (minus the real butter flavor)


        Peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, and Pistachios



        Skittles’ Mints


        Trail mix


        Wheat Thins
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