
Canker sore? Any tips on getting rid of it?! (10 pts. will be given)?

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So I have a canker sore in my mouth, I know kinda gross. I get them every 3 months or so.

So can I prevent them?

Are there any steps I can take to prevent them?

And how can I care for the one I have?

Please help!




  1. go to the dental isle in a general merchandise store and look where the floss is and you will see a tube called orajel. thats what you need. if its a cold sore...abreva

  2. rinse with warm water and salt(it doesnt hurt), it works really good. And you can care for it by just not poking at and stuff, and not iritating it.

  3. My boyfriend gets them quite a bit and swears by lysine pills, which you can get over the counter at a local drug store or Walmart. Very inexpensive. I get them on accasion, usually after a visit to the dentist and I use a prescription called Triamcinolone Acetonide. It was actually prescribed by my dentist. Its a paste and clears mine up with in a couple of days.

  4. Put salt on it.

    it'll hurt really bad, but it will heal it up pretty quickly.

    i find that i get canker sores from eating too much sugar, but some peopole get them from giving oral s*x.

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