
Canker sore :( help!?

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i have a really realy bad canker sore on my lip. my whole lip is swollen and i can not eat, talk , drink or anything without intense pain. also, on the same side as the sore ...right underneath my jaw/chin it feels bruised/sore if i touch it. can this be a swolloen gland? and can this be a result of the canker sore. i am scared it is infected and spreading to my jaw bone...or is it normal to feel pain all the way in the way from a canker sore if it is bad enough?




  1. the ulcer must have got infected & your sub mandibular lymph nodes must have got enlarged. Use antiseptic & analgesic cream, take anti biotic & pain killers.

  2. Well the spreading pain might be because it's on a nerve or the swelling has put pressure on a nerve. But that sounds nasty, and you need to take care of it before it becomes a serious problem.

    You need to clean the thing. It will be painful, but rinse the sore with warm salt water morning, mid day, and night. It will help prevent infection. You could also rinse it with hydrogen peroxide.

    There is a natural supplement that helps with fever blisters or canker sores - it's called Lysene or L-Lysene. You can get it as a capsule at any health food store. Take it twice a day and it will really help.

    People get these sores because their body has gotten low on lysene. Lots of things (stress, getting sick, allergies) can deplete your body of lysene, which is why fever sores are often associated with those things. By returning your body to balance, you give it what it needs to fight the sore off naturally.

    If you treat it and it doesn't get better within a few days, go to the doctor.

    Good luck!
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