
Canker sores really hurt- any for sure home remedies?

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My son has canker sores in his mouth and they are really hurting him. Please help with any suggestions to ease the pain or get rid of them quicker.




  1. I suggest buying some Tanac. It goes for something like $8-10. You put a drop on the canker sore and it will numb it for about 15-20 minutes, just enough to get through a meal. It can be used 4 times a day by children 2 and up according to the bottle.(I suggest asking the pharmacist first or looking at the bottle just to be safe. The bottle i have is about 2 years old so it may be out of date) Little heads up it has a funny taste, but goes away after a minute.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Avoid eating spicy food and rinse with Listerine or a similar mouthwash after every meal.  This won't help the pain, but it will get rid of them faster and prevent them from coming back.

  3. Canker sores are identified by round whitish (yellowish) and red open sores inside the mouth. They create a tingling or burning sensation, discomfort and painfulness even when talking .Anyone can get a canker sore but teens and people at their 20's are the ones commonly affected by this condition, they may run in the family but they are not contagious.

    They are often triggered by stress, poor nutrition, menstrual periods, allergies and lack of iron vitamin B12 and folic acid.. Toothpastes may also cause canker sores for it contains chemical ingredients that may cause allergic reactions.

    Canker sores just heals after a week or two, there is no available medical cure for this condition, however there are dental health products that may soothe and relieve discomfort and may speed up its healing and  it is also best when combined with good oral health care habits such as brushing and flossing  will prevent the growth of bacteria that may cause serious gum diseases.

    Canker sores are caused from breakdown of tissue structures and the  herb named Gotu Kola is known to heal wounds and promotes growth of connective tissues and it is taken as brewed tea.

    Rinse with alum, milk of magnesia and chicona bark are other alternative rinse to prevent canker sores. Another effective herbal remedy is using licorice root as it is an anti- inflammatory and tissue healer.

    Combined with good oral health hygiene such as brushing and flossing, relief from discomfort brought by canker sores is not that difficult. But for severe cases it is always better to seek professional recommendations from your dentist.

    for more information about canker sores and its remedies you may visit

  4. You could try mixing a small amount of peroxide with water, and having him swish it around in his mouth for 10 seconds before spitting. It doesn't taste good but I used to have to do that and it worked.

    It's also less painful than the above method, so your son will probably hate it less.

    Best answer please?

  5. Eat more foods rich in vitamin B3 (niacin) to heal and speed recovery of canker sores ie ~ fish, lean meats, whole wheat products, liver, wheat germ, eggs, roasted peanuts, the white meat of poultry, avocdadoees, dates, figs and prunes.

    As another poster has already mentioned, rinsing out your mouth with warm salty water will ease the pain for you .

    Vitamin B3 rich foods will help eliminate canker sores and more often than not bad breath too. It will also give you healthier looking skin and help prevent and ease severity of headaches and migraines, reduce symptoms of diarrhea and increase circulation and reduce high blood pressure.

    Vitamin B3 is necessary for a healthy nervous system and brain functioning and lack of it will generally also bring about negative personality changes.

    Take a multi B complex tablet including all the B's ie: B1, B2 B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they work best synergistically (together)....... do not take any of the B complex of vitamins individually, but rather as a whole complex, unless specifically instructed to by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath.

    The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning.

    If you are lactose intolerant or vegetarian then it is really important that you supplement your diet with a multi B complex tablet on a daily basis.

    Things will rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins are :- eating too much protein, alcohol, eating too much tinned food, laxatives and diuretics, antiobiotics, antidepressants, penicillin, prednisone and aspirin, otc cold and flu medicines.

    Also, try to cut back on drinks such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks and alcohol if he drinks any of these,  as they are all B complex thieves........ as well as being great at dehydrating you.

    Drink loads more fresh filtered water too as the healthiest and happiest body will always be the most hydrated one.

    hope this helps you

    Good health to you & yours♥



  6. I am FIVE YEARS LATER with your problem.. and here is what I found out:

    Acyclovir is for herpes-herpes are COLD SORES not mouth ulcers on the interior of your mouth. I took it for mouth ulcers mistakenly from someone's advice and it did nothing.


    Stop listening to ppl who say to take lidocaine- you probably know by now you need a solution to the problem, not a numbing effect that lasts 2 mins or even less if you try to use it to help you eat.

    here's what works:

    -change to a natural toothpaste that doesn't have sodium lauryl sulphate. (it's a detergent that strips your mouth.. that's the first step. you will probably notice a difference with this)

    -for a while, just try this: stop eating citrus anything... vinegar products or harsh foods like spicy tomato products.That includes some alcohols like for me beer or wine.

    -I discovered my sores were triggered by preservatives in food.

    -I also found out stress will trigger it.

    What not to bother with:

    conventional doctors have no tests or advice for you other than what I suggest above and gargling salt water (best) or gargling other solutions (worse because they are chemicals).

    I exhausted the best of the best options of dr's in the US and Canada as mouth ulcers were controlling my life. In the end, I had to figure out my triggers on my own. There is no cure.

    A specialist team gave me an experimental 'antibiotic/steriod' drops that are meant for the ear, but speed healing. It works. But doesn't prevent.

    The only diseases that are related are lupus and behcet's, but you probably knew that already.

    I hope this helps.

  7. Make salt water and have him hold it in his mouth about 30 seconds, swish, and rinse.  Try this a few times a day to help.

  8. aaaaahhhh..canker sores hurt....warm water and salt always helped for me..but everyone is different. However every since I started taking fish oil I don't get them anymore...and I would get them once a month since I could remember!

  9. i dont no if u have an aloe vera plant, but that always works for me. also theres an application thing at the store that comes in a tube and says it relieves mouth pain. it numbs the area that u apply it to so it doesn't hurt

  10. First, find out what causes them? Ask your pharmacist, google it, ask his Pediatrician, as on here...

    then, for temporary help.. buy a bottle of Campho-Phonique(spelling?) Put your finger over the mouth of the bottle to add a bit to your finger without spilling it; then just DAB it on to the c.sore.  If it's inside his mouth, tell him to TRY not to touch it with his tounge (euuuuuuuu! it tastes NASTY!).  But, tell him to try to leave it on the sore as much as possible.  This not only helps the pain of them, but also helps them disappear!

    If this doesn't work---or if he's too young...take him to a doctor...You need to find out the cause anyway.

  11. If you have a canker sore, you should not eat hot or spicy foods, which can cause pain. Mild, over-the-counter mouth washes or salt water may help. There are over-the-counter medicines that soothe the painful area. These medicines are applied directly to the sore area of the mouth.

    To speed up healing, try mixing 1 part hydrogen peroxide and one part water and apply it to the canker sore with a cotton swab. Then dab a small amount of milk of magnesia on the canker 3 - 4 times a day. This also helps relieve discomfort

  12. It may sound like a strange combination, but several dentists swear by this homemade remedy: Mix together equal amounts of Milk of Magnesia or Kaopectate and Benylin or Benadryl. Milk of Magnesia and Kaopectate both contain ingredients that coat wet tissues, such as those in the mouth. Benylin and Benadryl contain ingredients that act as mild topical anesthetics and antihistamines (which reduce inflammation). Apply the mixture to the canker sore using a cotton swab. Be careful not to swallow the stuff; you could end up anesthetizing (numbing) the reflex that keeps the windpipe closed when you swallow

  13. Some of the effective home remedies for canker sores are as follows:- Rinse your mouth with aloe juice frequently

    Put some alum on the canker sores. Repeat this twice a day. It helps to relieve the pain and quickens healing. Apply some baking powder on the sores. It could be used either in the powdered form or in the paste form. It will reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth, Rinse your mouth several times a day by a mouthwash prepared by mixing one tsp. of baking soda in half cup of warm water, Prepare a mouthwash by putting 5 to 6 drops of Grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth with this at least once in a day. It is an excellent disinfectant, Prepare a mouthwash using three parts of water and one part of hydrogen peroxide. Use this mouthwash twice a day, Onion is another excellent home remedy for canker sores. Apply some raw onions to the sores, Rinse your mouth with plum juice. If the sore is too bad then apply the juice on the sore using a cotton ball, Eat fresh papaya fruit or chew fresh papaya leaves. If fresh papaya leaves or papaya fruits are not available then you can also use papaya tablets, Gargle your mouth with a solution made by mixing 1 tsp soda and 1 pinch of salt in a cup of warm water, Apply tea tree oil to the sores, Rinse your mouth three to four times a day with a solution made by mixing 2 tbsp. salt to 6 ounces of warm water, Apply some powdered Goldenseal powder to the sore or rinse your mouth with a mouthwash prepared by mixing ½ tsp Goldenseal powder to ¼ tsp salt and 1 cup of warm water.

  14. Go to the health food store and get yourself some Lycine, can't remember the milligrams, but the health store person should know

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