
Cannabis Seeds In Processed Grams?

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I am wondering if marijuana which you purchase from a dealer or sorts contains seeds within it? If yes, would these seeds be good to plant and grow? What would they look like?





  1. Very rarely they will have seeds in especially if your buying skunk as this should be just the flower bud.

    Rubbish weed will sometimes have seeds but you need to know wether or not they are female as these are the only ones that produce the THC chemical which gets you high. the seeds look like any other seeds but are generally its a waste of time planting them unless you know what they are.

    You would be better off just buying the seeds from a shop or from the internet as this is not illegal, they only become illigal once they are planted (stupid law).

  2. Some buds are seedless(female plant was never breeded), some are crushed up, and others are whole(the good ones) with seeds. Many growers pick their seeds out for the next grow though. Also, the seeds in your stash are what is referred to as - bagseeds. You can buy certain specific strains from seedbanks to get the perfect strain for you though.

  3. Depends on a few things.. Strain of cannabis and how the cultivator grew it. If you do get seeds from a  bag, there is a chance it's not a female plant.  

  4. If you get your stuff and it has "buds" and the buds have any hard spheres (round like seeds) that are not crushed these would be what you are looking for.  Female plants produce buds that give the growers and dealers quantity, male plants only produce pollen sacs and large leafs that have a small amount of THC.  

    So if you break up a bud and get the intact seeds then you have something worth getting in trouble with.  They will grow.  When the plants are 10 weeks old post a question on how to determine the males from the females.  They like alot of water and plant after the mid summer when the days begin to shorten so you won't have super giant plants with little bitty buds.  

    Also, don't mess with drugs as they will get you into trouble.

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