
Cannabis as an anti inflammitory. any thoughts?

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I have osteo arthritis and am plagued with severe pain. Cannot take ibuprophen or asprin or celebrex. am already on glucosamine and omega 3 supplements and tylenol by the hand full. Someone suggested cannabis(marajuana) as an inflammitory. Anyone out there tried that? I have never even touched the stuff, much less smoked it so am clueless. help!




  1. Cannabis kinda works for what you want (I stress kinda), but there's another approach that's much more effective; DMSO

    It's about the best anti inflammatory which exists, and it works by directly applying it to the skin.  I know a few people personally that have used it successfully for arthritis.

    A few people (I trust) have told me MSM (the breakdown product of DMSO) is fantastic for athritis, but I have no personal first hand experience with it, so I can't say if that would work to.

    Hope that helps!

    P.S. if you end up getting/using dmso, it's very important to make sure it is applied to clean skin, and gotten from a glass container which does not come in contact with anything besides that and your skin.  DMSO absorbs through the skin, but it will bring anything it came into contact with it.  As such, it can be quite dangerous to used when mixed with toxic substances.  However, when pure it is completely safe! (to the point cells can survive in it instead of water).

  2. The problem with cannabis is the side effects.  It is known to be a reasonably good painkiller.. although that can vary from person to person but it can have some very negative side effects and can be rather addictive which then becomes a bigger problem.  I can definately confirm that the new 'MonaVie' juice blend is an AWESOME painkiller.  It is known to be hugely beneficial to any inflammatory dis-ease and it has definately done so for me and others i have advised trying.  It has 19 ORGANIC superfruits including the most powerful fruit of all... the ACAI berry.  An awesome product.. taken daily. One of the sites below also has a section on inflammation and the benefits from this product.  Check it out!

  3. My mother smokes marijuana for treatment of Chron's Disease (an intestinal disease).  It relieves her of abdominal pain, lack of appetite and the depression related to the disease.  The only way to know is to try it.  It works for many ailments, for others it only makes people fall asleep.  But personally, I can't imagine it would make you feel any worse.

    But if you'd like more information, I agree with the other answer.  Look on some medical marijuana forums and ask people with similar ailments as yourself.  The more you know, the better you'll feel.

  4. I have a friend that takes it for glaucoma, She received it from the government on a monthly basis. She said that she would not be able to stand the pain with out it. That's all I know.

  5. Cannabis is definitely an option, but there's no guarantee it will relieve your pain. Try joining the forum at

    They have a forum on medical marijuana. You may be able to get a good answer from them.

  6. there has been some research that says it is good for rhuematoid arthritis. because rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. and cannabis is immunomodulatory.  I believe it is the over reaction of the immune system that causes the inflamtion . don't know if osteo arthritis is different.  I  would say a first step would be to talk to your doctor if you feel comfortable doing so. by the way hempseeds are packed with omega 3's and a whole bunch of other good stuff in case you didn't know. so I would incorportate those into your diet for sure.

    if anything it may help you take less tylenol.  your liver will thank you for that . but again talk to your doctor.

  7. Marijuana is great for pain relieve, but as an Anti-Inflammatory, it wont do much  to relieve the swelling, but it will help you relax and  finally get comfy. My grandmother has arthritis, and she uses Tiger Balm to help a little too.

  8. yes it is an anti-inflamatory

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