
Cannabis is VERY addictive?

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I reckon cannabis (marijuana) is highly mentally addictive, what do you think?




  1. Most people posting are confusing mental addiction with chemical addiction.

    Mental is not the same as chemical AT ALL. Lets just say that I smoked weed heavily (1/8 a day and up to an ounce a week. And no.. not s***k weed. LoL) for almost 3 yrs. I quit smoking in about 1 weeks time.

    I had started smoking tobacco about a year after that... did it for about a year and it took 6 months to quit tobacco use and I still to this day (2yrs later) crave tobacco when I see someone smoking. I don't have any urges to smoke weed when I see it. So really the mental addiction is really just that... mental.

  2. I think that you've asked this question twice.  You must smoke an awful lot.

  3. It depends on the person and whether or not they have an addictive personality..

    i have smoked a bit and would happily not smoke it again, but then i reckon i could give up anything easily as i am not that bothered... My bf is the opposite..he has a very addictive personality and could smoke it non stop... however mentally is fine (and i have forced him to not smoke as much)

    depends on the person...

    i will say this though, long term use whilst the brain is still developing i.e. during your teens is not a good idea as it will effect ur memory and mess you up a bit

  4. Anything can be addictive:  food, alcohol, chocolate, yeah, marijuana can be addictive, too.  

    It's benefits are many, however, just ask anyone who is the happy recipient of medical marijuana.  It helps people with AIDS, cancer patients, insomnia, etc.

    If pot were legalized and taxed, the revenues from that tax could fund so many other social programs, most specifically drug programs for those with real problems.  It would free up police to catch real criminals, not potheads.  And our jails & prisons?  It would cut down on overcrowding, save states huge amounts of money and lives wouldn't be ruined over a weed.

    I was a member of NORML back in the day:  National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.  I think I'll rejoin!

  5. Wouldn't surprise me!  It can certainly do stuff to your brain!

  6. The tobacco in a joint is supposed to be even more addictive, it also depends on whether you have an addictive personality or not

  7. I grew up with a guy that we referred to as a pot head. He was a smoker for YEARS and then he started studying Philosophy- Ann Rand, Plato, etc and realized in the process that cannabis made him lazy and that he was not accomplishing his goals...not driven enough...not happy. The ganja made him so passive he was just complacent about life, maintaining the status quo and the years were rolling on with or without his dreams and goals being accomplished. So one day he just quit, started running every day and taking martial arts, he even went back to school. He has not smoked in over ten years and owns a mult-million dollar company now.  I asked him once if he missed it, and he said, " In retrospect, I was smoking to numb my emotions and not give a f--- about life or anything else. I was a lazy a-- young man, dying inside, hoping someone would come along and save me, letting life just pass me by. Now... I am really Present in the Moment and Consciously Living my life day to day instead of baking in a smoky dream."

  8. I think it is, yes.

    My housemate will go months without any, but as soon as he has some it's more more more until he literally can't afford to spend that anymore.

    I think a lot of things are addictive mentally, like certain foods and shopping, but cannabis more so - people don't usually get quite so desperate to shop/eat (unless they have an entirely different mental health problem!).

    Saying that though, some people seem to smoke it their whiole lives as and when they feel like it, rather than being addicted to it.

    I think some prople are more prone to that type of addiction than other people.

  9. Research shows otherwise.  It is not addictive mentally or physically.

  10. Cannabis is highly habit forming, and there's not mucher difference.

    It's very hard to stop once you get started.

    Just don't - your brain will thank you.

  11. Definitely and really aggravates people with any underlying mental issues, the withdrawals make addicts into very unpleasant people and it is the drug that most think is harmless!!???!!!

  12. It also wouldn't suprise me!

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