
Canned goods at warped tour??

by  |  earlier

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i heard that if you bring a canned good or cereal that you will be able to go to the front of the line were you can meet the band or whatever is that true cuz i dont wanna go there with 5 ponds of peas for nothing lol






  1. You can get a pass to go to the front of the entrance line if you bring canned goods. When you get to the venue, just find one of the Warped tour staff (the venue staff probably won't know) and ask where the PunkJunk donation table is. You take the canned goods there and they give you a pass so you can jump the line to get into the venue. You also get entered into a raffle for some cool stuff signed by bands.

    The cut passes for signings to meet the bands are different, those are offered by Alternative Press when you buy a subscription.

  2. i heard this too! my friend told me, but she knows nothing ; )

    i'm doubting it, but as a fact, i'm not to sure.

  3. ugh, i wish i could go to warped tour!

    im going on a cruise, but bring like little canned goods, like tuna and just put them in purse, if thats not too hard for you too carry around all day

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