
Cannot be destroyed by battle?

by  |  earlier

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If cards say the phrase "this card cannot be destroyed by battle", then can card effects like Medusa Worm, Lightning Vortex, Raigeki Break, etc. destroy those monster with this phrase. Or does it include effects even if it didn't say so.




  1. Raigeki lightning vorte ans etc CAN destroy monsters with that effect

    that effect means exactly what it says cant be destroyed by battle but since a monster cant battle a spell or trap or a monster's effect then it can be destroyed by them.

  2. When the card says "battle" it means a monster attacking another monster. Spell and trap cards can't battle, so yes they can destroy that monster.

  3. Unless there is a ruling on the specific card that says that the text is wrong, then it IS destroyed by effects. Monsters that can not be destroyed by card effects typically say so on their text. use to check rulings if u are unsure.

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