
Cannot connect laptop HP to internet?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend brought her PC at my place, to connect it to my LAN line and update somethings.

However, when i put in the wire - nothing happens!

I went in the Network Connections and there - it seems that there is no Local Area Connection icon as in all other computers. There is only a Wireless Network Connection and 1394 Connection.

Can anyone help me please? I am on this problem for nearly 5 hours now!

Thanks in advance!




  1. ip is required, turn on the comp and plug-in the ethernet, turn off the modem and back on again and wait for it to fully boot, restart the computer

  2. Are you using a router or not?  If not, power off your modem and then power it on.  Reboot the pc.

    Or look at Device Manager and see if there is an ethernet card under network adapters.  If not, then the card is dead.  If so, but has a yellow exclamation, then install the driver.  

  3. Try reinstalling the drivers for the network card.The HP website should have them.  

  4. if it is a wired line -  then make sure that the network card is enabled in the device manager and does not have a big red x on it

    right click enable

    check with another ethernet cable as well you never know

    If it is a wireless connection

    make sure that you have the correct encryption code - sometimes its that simple

    if you do then make sure that the router is high and unobstructed

    change the channel from the default channel 6 to anything else

    channels 1 and 11 are first picks

    your neighbors wireless signals can drift in out of nowhere long distances

    you will get and see a wireless signal but no internet

    changing the channel will fix 99 % if wireless internet connection problems

    that is if the connection that you are trying to make is wireless

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