
Cannot fine a answer to which Candidate is best for our president of USA.?

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Obama and McCain are running and have notice how the media is pushing Obama and that scares me . I feel that is saying the American people don't have a mind of their own and must be told who to vote for. I served with McCain on the USS Forrestal and he was always fair as an Officer. I feel that Obama has some good points but where and how does he shows he can lead us. I hear talk and his stuff on Chicago doesn't give me grounds. I being a Vet makes me wonder if he will be another Carter. Our neighbors are not saying either way. I know that people I talked to in Europe says we as a country is about to fall like Rome.

So I hope that G-d will lead our country out of the ruins that the current President has done to us. So give me lead on what we need.




  1. McCain

  2. McCain is the best for the US.

  3. The conventions are not over and who knows what will happen. The delegates are only committed for the first round and then the fun may happen. If all else fails, write in Ron Paul.

  4. You know it so refreshing to hear someone in a civil tone advise that the Media is supporting Obama.  I thought I had a mental defect in understanding the slant they were putting on the "news."  McCain was so well respected by the Democrats in 2004 that he was a serious VP candidate of Kerry.  Now, it seems, the media does not remember that history.  McCain is my choice for reasons of conviction in a man.  He is not an extension of Bush.  He is McCain.

  5. Well the thing I care about most is the economy, which probably says I like money a little too much. haha. Anyway, I support Mccain already for the simple fact he has a much better chance of fighting for his tax cuts and he wants to keep capital gains tax low. Obama "wants" to have tax cuts for the middle class, but he is much less likely to fight for them against his democrat cohorts in Congress who certainly do not want any tax cuts. What a lot of people fail to realize is that the parties of the candidates matter more than they'd like to think ideally. In an ideal world there would be no parties. You see, Obama, if he wants to have the support of his fellow Democrats HAS to vote with them. If he doesn't he knows his career will be over. Anyway, Mccain has the best chance of getting tax cuts passed, social security reformed (in a good way), protection from our enemies, and preventing moral degredation. If you think we are falling like Rome, look at one of the biggest problems Rome faced. Their morality degraded and their politicians became corrupt. Anyway have fun voting! haha.

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