
Cannot ge enough of?

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I'm 30 weeks 1 day pregnant and i have a month and a half nephew. I want him with me all the time. If my sister in law lives him with her mom i get mad at her. Like i get jealous and I want him to be with me all the time. Is this weird? is it because I'm almost due and cant wait for my baby? I think its weird what do you think it is.




  1. I'm expecting my first girl on November 9th too!

    And yes, you're over the top.  Try to stop yourself.  Think about how you would react if someone was trying to take over YOUR child.  He is not your son, and you need to cool it asap.

    Good luck!

  2. Nope just your parental instincts kicking in.  You have baby on your mind, and just think about how much more exciting it is going to be when you have your own!  I do not think you should get mad at her for leaving him with her mom though, grandma needs some time with him too.  I usually have no interest in babies, i mean they are cute an cuddly but i dont really care whether i hold them or not, and dont really want to baby sit.  But now i am 31 weeks pregnant and love looking at babies and holding them, its your minds way of preparing for the new baby. :)  congrats!

  3. I too think it's pretty over the top, and not normal.

    I get that it could be chalked up to you wanting your own baby so bad,mixed in with pregnancy emotions and hormones, but it doesn't fully justify your possessive, almost creepy behavior.

  4. It could just be your maternal instincts kicking in, or your hormones, but it doesnt necessarily make it right. I dont think it is appropriate for you to get mad at your sister in law because of her life situation. I think you know that it is not practical that your nephew be with you all the time, and it is not fair to his own parents. Could you imagine someone feeling this way about you once you had your baby. I would just channel it for now on, whenever you seem to get really mad at your stepsister, hand him back over. You will have your child in your arms soon.  

  5. its not weird, its psycho, and you cant blame it on your pregnancy no matter how hard you try. leave other peoples kids up to their own parents and wait till you pop yours out of your own v****a to treat them as your own. Sure you wouldnt want some psycho getting pissed and jealous at you for leaving your own kid with someone you saw fit to watch them

    *edit* well at least one person sees the truth and isn't just trying to baby you and tell you what you want to hear other than the absolute truth of you being a jealous psycho. Thanks for the thumbs up whomever else realized the truth!

    *edit* malinda stop feeding her bullshit, your parental instincts kick in with your own child when they need to be provided for or need protection, they dont come in when you get jealous and pmsy and pissed off because you dont think your sister in law is raising her own child the way she sees fit when you have nothing to do with the situation. Thanks for feeding into her psychosis and jealousy're probably the same way as her and trying to justify her actions, which aren't correct

  6. It does sound a little over the top as he is not your son and you are in no position to make any demands on who his mother chooses to care for him. However you are probably just more emotional at this stage of your pregnancy and can put it down to that. To avoid annoying people though, I would think before I decided to get mad with my sister in law and just keep whatever I was feeling to myself. He is not your child after all, yours is on the way and you can have it all to yourself as soon as it is born! It's understandable and natural to have a bond with your nephew and to love having him around but you do have to be realistic too and accept that he is not your son! Good luck!  
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