
Cannot overcome fear of blood sample test, needle into vein. I pass out at the doc.?

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Cannot overcome fear of blood sample test, needle into vein. I pass out at the doc.?




  1. Best thing is to look away. I cant even feel it when I do that. Think of other stuff when ur there. E.g. a beach..seaa...sand...seaguls..icecream.. and it will be over before you know it!

  2. I have the same problem. I don't pass out though, I just freak out. But since i'm a chicken for it, they give me a small needle. I suggest thinking of a happy place, not paying attention, maybe listen to music or something to keep your mind off of the needle. It'll hurt when it goes into you, but KEEP YOUR MIND OFF OF IT.

  3. I don't look and mention my hang up to the nurse. I then think of people who have to inject everyday... like diabetics and even small children with serious illness on medication. This makes me feel ridiculous for the fuss i am making and I gain control.

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